Chapter 15: The Bar of Almost Death

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, breaking the law isn't really my scene," I gracefully catch my history textbook just as it slips out.

"He probably wants to get you drunk so that he can feel you up," his eyes sweep down my body awkwardly, "I wouldn't disapprove."

The red light in my head starts blaring. His words don't feel comfortable in my mind. I always thought that Miller would tell his best friend about the fact that he's fake dating me, but I guess I overestimated how close they are.

"I've really got to get to class," I shift uncomfortably so that I can leave. 

- - -

I got yelled at during english for pronouncing Shakespeare wrong(I pronounced it Snakespeare) because my teacher is an avid believer in the whole Romeo & Juliet thing. On top of that, I found out that I am nearly failing gym.

Who fails gym?

I really should've gone to a dance school. What was 14 year old me thinking?

"Whazzup?" Jaxon runs his fingers through his dark hairs as he places himself in front of me at the lunch table. 

This isn't the first time he's plopped himself in front of me. It's always with Miller, though. He probably realized that his attempts at getting Miller to sit with him alone at a table hasn't worked, so now he's taken the liberty of coming.

"Nothing much," I lie, poking at my food. I see Miller walking towards us and I smile. It's actually a genuine smile, which is rare on my part.

He makes eye contact with me and instantly looks down and changes direction to sit with a the jocks from the school football team, the place he used to sit before he and I became attatched. I think I can hear my heart crack in half.

I realize Jaxon is also looking at Miller, with the same expression. He looks back at me, slightly concerned, "Did you two have a fight or something?"

Shaking my head with bewilderment, I decide that I need some air, where it isn't crowded with people. Anyways, Miller's probably just got to talk about something with his teammates from school. No big deal.

I tell Jaxon that I need to use the washroom, which he shrugs at. The whole time that I am leaving the cafeteria, I keep my eyes trained on Miller and I even cach him throwing me some glances.

Taking my time, I manage to spend a good 10 minutes in the bathroom. When I reach the big frame of the cafeteria door, I spot Miller and Jaxon talking at our usual table. This brings a smile onto my face. There was no worrying, Miller probably just needed to say a few words before coming to sit with us.

Finding myself almost running, I speed to our table faster than ever with a giant grin slowly sprawling across my face.

"Miller!" my shoes screech when I slow down right in front of them.

 His face turns a mahogany color before he stands up. "Oh sorry. I'm going to go now? I've got um, ah, um... football practice!"

The hesitation and the uncertainness gives it all away. Besides, they never have football practice during lunch because all the boys complainthat they deserve the same lunch rights as anyone outside of the team. 

I know more about the football team than I thought I did.

"What's up with him?" I sit down where Miller was, not taking my eyes off of the boy dashing out of the lunch room.

When Jaxon doesn't respond, I'm worried that he might've left too. I turn around and he's there, thank God. Sitting alone at lunch is almost like social suicide, says Ella. His face seems stonier than before I left, the soft brown eyes now blocked out.

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