"That sounds like something that donkey would say!" you finally sigh as you walk over to Katsuki who looks up at your face his handprint across it. "This is going to hurt!" smirking evilly as you punch him square in the face before you both laugh. Kirishima not sure if he needs to restrain you now.

"We good!" he looks up a little blood on his lip "Yeh, we're good!" you place your hand over his face healing it. "That is handy but please don't do it again!" he groans as he picks you up to place you on a chair. Yo puts a file on the table explaining everything, he isn't sure but someone claiming to be the league of villains might be behind it. After that, he leaves before everyone turns to you "What do you want to do?" Midoryia asks "Haru, doesn't really know I'm a licensed hero. I want it to possibly stay that way. Plus, I have my business and my research." you groan as you go in your bag for some pills your leg kills.

"Still a nerd!" Katsuki smirks as the others discuss stuff "You know I don't mind trying to make a baby with you. Be a fucking cute kid" he smirks as Kirishima and Kaminari catch the end of the sentence "Do you always think with your dick?" you groan "I told you only for you I do!" he smirks as the room goes quiet. "You two don't change do you?" Shoto laughs "What he started it?" you point at the ash-blonde who shrugs bored.

"Look, I've not been into Ash's office in like forever. I can go in there and see if he has any stuff. I have all the passcodes." you smile smugly. "That would be good. We think that the guy that attacked you on Saturday is linked. Since you've had threats before" Momo comments making you nod. "I will admit they haven't threatened your son meaning their not complete monsters," Uraraka adds in.

"Can you fill us in about what actually happened on Saturday?" Kaminari asked as not everyone knew Katsuki put a hand on your shoulder since for all they knew it was just an attack. "I was talking to a guy I use to go to school with before U.A, and dancing with these guys. I left them and went to the loo to cool off a little and then when I walked out. I was grabbed and pushed out a side door." you stopped to think anything.

"He then pushed me into a wall at first covering my mouth and pinning my hands. So, I couldn't use my quirk. He then bit my neck. Katsuki, I need to change the bandage anyway." you ask him as he pulls it off showing them the bruise and the teeth marks. "Cool, we could possibly get dental records from that!" Iida snaps a photo before you pass Katsuki a pad to recover it.

"I tried to wiggle free but he pushed me to the floor with his knee in my back as he shoved something in my mouth that the police currently has. He then lifted my dress and started to unzip his trousers!" you cringe as you hear mini-explosions behind you "However, as he came down he adjusted to ya know when I had the opportunity to sonic him off me, as I got up and started to run towards the street. I looked back but it was too dark, I just kept running but he was so fast as he landed on me, my mouth still covered I screamed for help, as I heard people shouting my name. Also, as he landed on me I broke my fucking ankle." you slammed your fist on the table making Jiro jump.

"He clearly decided he wasn't done and didn't want to risk being caught. So grabbed my broken ankle and started dragging me to god knows where. I set off a sonic boom as loud as I could. The only thing I heard him say was 'Tch' before he vanished and that's when you found me! Sounds like fun!" you groan sarcastically "If I find whoever this is. I will literally kick the seven..." you're cut off by Midoryia "It's not a hero like to do that!" he says but you can tell he understands.

Everyone else stands there is in silence for a moment "Do you have anything to speed up healing your ankle!" Shoto asks "I fucking wish. I can repair the muscle damage quicker but the bone. Nope. I've not quite worked that one out yet. Sucks!" you moaned. "It's fine. I'm looking after you anyways." Katsuki smiles at you "Yeh I guess. Chasing Haru though is a nightmare. I love the kids but that quirk. The best thing is he doesn't even know that I have the same quirk as his grandpa!" you sigh.

Your phone starts to ring "Hey Frank." your PA is on the other end "Where are you?" he sounds worried "I'm just in Todoroki's office." you smile as you hear the man cool off "Good, I was worried. Don't forget you have meetings today." he laughs "Balls. Erm Cancel all my meetings today. Things have come up. Oh also put..." you look around the room "Eleven extra chairs in my room. I have guests including boss man and hot stuff" you wink at Momo who goes to your office regularly.

"Also, I've broken my ankle drunken night can you bring something up to move around easier. When I say something I don't mean you carrying me by the way" you both laugh on the phone as Shoto looks at you confused. "Also. Can you get me the files from the day of Ash's accident? I need to see if he made any recordings." you sound sad at needing to watch the footage. "You sure you want to do that?" Frank didn't sound happy about it either.

"Yeh something has been bugging me but I've only just remembered it. Laters!" hanging up "So I'm assuming you're all working on the case here since none of you are in hero costumes today. I'll get Frank to sort it. I think my office is more suited than yours Shoto." you look at him "Yeh I've not been down there in a while. Everyone ok with that?" he looks at the room. "Yeh no problem." they all agree.

As if on cue Frank knocks on the door "Come in!" Shoto calls as he comes in a massive Minotaur of a man "This is your PA?" Kaminari chokes a little "Yeh I know right." everyone looks a little stunned. "Ms Nanase, I'm not going to ask but I'm rather suspicious you have pretty much all the top heroes going to your office." Frank looks around. "You wouldn't be my PA if you weren't!" you laugh as you get on the Segway "This is so much better! Frank, lead the way." you smile as they all go to the elevator with you as Frank confirms your calendar. 

***Thank you for reading***

***I don't own BNHA or pictures***

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