What you don't know!

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***Mini mature scene***

You woke up the next morning for some reason something was playing in your mind until you felt two arms pull you into them. "Morning!" a sleepy voice said behind you. "Morning. How did you sleep?" you yawn as you turn to face the yawning boy. "I think that was literally the best sleep I've ever had. How about you?" he scooted down in the bed to nestle his head in your breast as you stroked his messy black hair.

"I slept really well!" you giggle as he licks you playfully "Are you a kitten now?" you giggle as he keeps doing it "Meow!" he says as he pulls you in closer. "Come on you know we need to get up sleepy kitty." you stroke his hair as he looks up at you 'Fuck he is handsome in a morning as well' you think as he moves up your body to kiss you.

You're that into your kissing that you don't even realise he is on top of you until you feel his erection right against your entrance wanting access. "I can't get enough!" he moaned into the kiss as the end of him rubbed against your clit pretty much making you ready for him.

You wrap your legs around his ass as you push him to enter you again and before you know it you've lost a couple of hours of the day, just by getting to know every part of each others body's and what sends you crazy.

Finally getting ready to leave both supporting a few love bites and the biggest smiles ever. You text your dad to say you're leaving as he says to call or text once you're back at the lodge and to have a great time. Getting your hiking bags on and walking shoes you leave the lodge behind and start making your way towards the first stop on your three-day long hike.

As your walking, you both take shit loads of pictures and talking about everything from family to school. "What would you have done if I didn't come on this trip? Wouldn't you have been bored on your own!" you ask as you turn to the guy who is thinking "Hmm I don't know. I guess I would have been." he smiles.

"I'm glad you came and I've been thinking. I want to do something like this again." he grabs your hand "So want to do Europe next time?" he turned to you as you thought about in for a moment "I'm sure you could persuade me." you smile as you glance at the guy. "Good! I don't want to waste any time. I think me and you know how precious life can be!" he looks sad for second as he refers to your mum and his own parents.

"Your right! I think it's taken me this long to admit it but it's nice having friends and people apart from my dad that care" you look at the Ash who smiles "I'm just glad that I met you and had this trip with just the two of us!" he couldn't stop smiling as you finally got to the camp in which you were useless in helping set up a tent.

You had two more nights under the stars before you would be back at the lodge and doing the other outdoor activities planned, but right in this moment in time just being away from the rush of everything it cleared the mind. As you lay there in the tent huddled to Ash you had ideas for both formulas as well as tech gear. "I know you're thinking about what you can make when you get home" he looked down at you smirking.

"Whattt? I don't know what you mean!" you giggle as you sit on top of him "Hmm I don't believe you. You're going to have to prove you have your mind on other things" he smirked as lent down kissing him. "I'm thinking what it's like to fuck my sexy ass boyfriend out in the wild. Oh and when we get back to the lodge I think we should go skinny dipping at night!" you laugh.

"You really are a temptress aren't you?!" he smirked as he decided to show exactly how crazy you sent him especially when you weren't wearing anything and sat on him with your nipples erect from the cold of the night. If anyone was camping near you that night you felt sorry for them as you were not quiet at all.

Meanwhile, in Japan, a plan to save Katsuki was in place with one team of Pros including your Dad was with All Might. On the other side of a city was another team of Pros following the tracker the same as Team Class 1-A, who believed that's where Katsuki was being held but on inspection, it seemed to be full on Nomu creatures.

Katsuki was still tied up surrounded by the main villain hub, the man covered in hands now believed to be called Shigaraki. "You know you have the tendencies of a villain. Join us help us to defeat All Might with your power." the boy just glared at him never leaving eye contact.

"Look kid. I would do it for that little girlfriend's sake!" the man with burns now know to be called Dabi stood there. "Oh! I heard she doesn't like blood. That's no fun!" an overly excited girl called Toga commented.

"Your facts are clearly wrong. She isn't anything to me!" the blonde laugh as it wasn't true but you weren't his girlfriend. "Oh really! Hmm, that's a shame but no matter we couldn't find her at the camp. We thought she would also be handy with her support work." the messy blue haired man commented scratching his neck.

"You may think I'm a like you guys but I'm nothing like you. I will do things for good because it's right not because I expect something in return! I promised someone I will become the number one hero and I don't go back on my word!" the boy yelled. "Let him down. So I can kill him!" the man called as the vortex guy tried to advise against it.

As soon as he was free he went to attack but then there was a knock on the door claiming to be a  pizza delivery but then All Might smashed through the door filling the room with police and pros. At the warehouse, the same happened as pros stormed the place finding Ragdoll that had been captured also.

Katsuki saw your dad and looked at him to confirm they hadn't got you as well. "Katsuki get out she is safe!" he smiled as he went to get in the room and it appeared that the Heroes had won before black smoke started to come out of the villain's mouths including Katsuki's before he was teleported to were Midoryia and crew was.

The heroes there had been ambushed also by at least 15 Nomu and were down. When the students looked over the wall they saw their friend surrounded by the villains as he thought them. The big boss then revealed himself the arch nemesis of All Might, All for One.

As the fight took place All Might wouldn't go all out because he was too busy concentrating on Katsuki also being attacked by the Villains. Midoryia came up with an idea but it had to look as though it was Kirishima's idea as they blasted over the guys yelling down for him to grab on to the redhead's hand.

The plan went through well and they were able to escape with Katsuki but then All Might went all out. As he was fighting it was revealed that All Might's quirk was fading and as the whole of Japan watched on they saw as the symbol of peace try to fight the supervillain, but in order to capture him the man had to use the last bit of his power to reveal that he wasn't the large muscular man but a weak looking skeletal man.

What no one knew is that Katsuki took this as his fault that the man had sacrificed his power to save the boy. As All Might gestured to Midoryia it was time for him to take over but only the green haired boy knew that.

As the days passed by after the incident, the school built dormitories for all its students. You and Ash, however, hadn't heard the news since you were camping but when you got back to the lodge you were too focused on your outdoor activities. You had also started to train on how to use your quirks for good.

It was very physical training tiring you both out, your dad had messaged to see if you both got back to the lodge save but you thought nothing of it. There was no TV at the lodge and you were hardly on your phones, no one had text you in a few days but as far as you were aware they were all at camp.

"You excited for the city part of our trip Ash commented when you got into bed together!" smiling he was literally the happiest man in the world and if he could move here with you he would. "Hmm yeh. I'm going to do sooo much shopping. The hotel has a gym right?!" you smirk.

"Of course. You're getting stronger!" he ran his hand down your hips. "Yeh I'll be able to kick your ass soon!" you laughed as he burst out laughing "Sure I would like to see you try! I can guarantee it will end up with me on top!" he laughed as he shifted on top of you pinning you into the bed.

"Well, maybe I lose on purpose. Oh I know what we can go for shopping for whilst we're in New York!" you smirk as he clicks "Ohh can I pick my favourites since I will hopefully get to take them off." he laughed and it was the best thing you had heard.

You knew you still loved Katsuki but you had fallen hard for the guy above you. You spent your final night in the cabin taking advantage of not having anyone around to hear you scream and moan, as tomorrow you were back in a hotel. 

***Thank you for reading***

***I don't own BNHA or pictures***

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