Chapter 35

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"AAHHHHH!!" Thor yells as a small girl chases after him, Clint, and Natasha. On the other hand a boy similar to the girl's age sits under the shade with Tony, Steve, and Bruce.

"Is she using swords?" Kristen asks, getting up in her seat to get a better look.

"L-Loki, honey, are those real?" I ask. Loki looks up from his book and observes her.

"I suppose so...." he mumbles. He looks back at his book but the jumps up.

"BROTHER ARE THOSE REAL?!" He yells as he now chases the small group. Both Kristen and I laugh.

"So how are the two of you coming along?" I ask Kristen as I see Steve wave to her.

"Great," she sighs, content.

"Come on, let's go to them," I tell her with a nudge. We both get up and walk to the group under the shade.

"Mommy!" The small boy squeals. A smile automatically forms on my face as I wrap my arms around him.

"Hey Nico," I greet as I sit.

"Mommy Uncle Stark said a bad language word," he whispers in my ear.

"Oh did he?" I ask. Nico nods and I turn my head towards Tony.

"Stark what did I tell you about your language?" I say warningly. Tony shrugs with a smirk as he leans back. I use a gust of wind to push him away from our group.

"I give that a 2!" Steve yells after Tony lands on his face. Laughter rings through us while we watch a pissed of Stark make his way back to us.

"The kid's a snitch," he grumbles.

" her," Loki pants as he sets down the hyper girl next to me.

"You would assume that he'd be in better shape after a little chase from all those late nights with (y/n)," Tony smirks.

"Uh let's not forget there are children present," Bruce reminds. I agree with him and we shoot Tony a dirty look.

"Mommy, Daddy not letting me play with Uncle Thor," The girl grumbles.

"We were having fun," Thor whines as well as he joins our group.

"Cause you playing bad games," Nico tells her.

"Am not! You're just boring!" She argues back.

"Hazel, calm down darling," Loki soothes as he sits down with us.

"Nico started it!" She whines. Nico simply stays silent. He wasn't one to argue back on small matters. Even for a kid as young as him, he was surely different.

While other kids his age would get dirty, play out late, make friends, he didn't. Nico was one to stay indoors often with the kits Bruce gifted him.

He was the calm one while Hazel on the other hand was hyper and energetic.

"Either way you can't play with things like that. Someone can actually get hurt," I tell her. She huffs and stomps her foot.

"Come on kid, I'll get you some ice cream," Tony sighs and gets up.

"We have some in the freezer," I tell him as he grabs Hazel's small hand.

"Don't you want some?" Steve asks Nico.

"No thank you," he says with a smile. Nico wasn't one for sweets either.

"Bruce didn't you have something for Neeks here?" Natasha asks, ruffling his darker (h/c) color hair.

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