Chapter 17

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"What crawled out her vagina?" Tony asks.

"You guys are loud and mean," I mumble and stumble off to Thor. I look up at him expectantly and he sighs but then picks me up bridal style.

"Thank you," I mumble sleepily as he begins to walk to the cafe. He doesn't reply and hold me tighter. I pick my head up to see Loki following us a few steps behind. I don't react and rest it on Thor's shoulder. Guilt gnawed at me. I didn't want to do this to him, but I couldn't fall for him. He cheated and lied....and stabbed me but it was self defense.

"We're here," Thor says as he puts me down on a seat. I mumble a small 'thank you' and put my head on the table. I feel a tap on my head after a couple minutes and I raise it. Kristen slide a tray of food towards me and I look down at it.

"Not hungry," I tell her.

"Yes hungry, you're eating every single bite of that," Kristen says in an ordering tone. I sigh and look at the plate of pasta. I look up at Bruce hoping he'd support me.

"Sorry (y/n) but I agree. You are way too underweight," Bruce tells me.

"We're telling you this because we love you," Tony voices up. Yeah sure....

I sigh and take small bites of the food, mostly moving it around my plate. After I finish half of it I push my plate away.

"Finish (y/n)," Steve tells me. I really didn't want to but I know if I didn't it wouldn't be good for me.

'Why didn't I die?' I think to myself as I bring the plate back and slowly eat the food. Everyone was soon done and I had a few more bites left but I didn't want them. I felt as if I was about to puke.

I bring the spoon to my lips but then bring it back down, thinking I'd puke right then.

"It's fine, you can leave that much," Bruce says. I nod and remove my hands from the table.

"Great so I can leave now," Tony says as he gets up.

"You just slept the whole day!" Steve says with exasperation.

"May I have your attention," A new voice says. Fury. I immediately turn around as told and lower my gaze.

"Seems like we have another goddess be joining us for a while. I've gone through it with higher ups and cleared her. Make her feel welcomed to earth....we don't want another incident like Los Angeles," Fury says. I gulp and nod my head lightly.

"Good. Thor and Loki can introduce her since they know her quite well," Fury says.

"He's gone," Bruce says and I look up to see the beautiful goddess. The table shakes and I turn to see Loki standing up.

"Sigyn?!" He asks.

"The one and only," She says with a laugh and opens her arms. Loki doesn't even hesitate as he goes to her and hugs her....which kinda hurt.

"Oooo (y/n)'s jealous," Clint whispers. I don't reply and act normal. I wasn't jealous, I was happy. Now he could be away from me.

'What are you doing here?" Thor bellows as he hugs her as well.

"Still waiting to be introduced to this chick Thor!" Tony voices out.

"Tony," Kristen whispers harshly.

"I mean she is hot," Clint says.

"Clint....shut the fuck up," Natasha tells him.

"Ah meet my friends," Thor tells her as the two of them walk up to us.

"Come Loki," She says as she takes his hand and brings him with her. As Thor introduces her to us I look down and avoid gazes.

"And finally this is (y/n), she's half-asgardian and half mortal," Thor says. I get up and smile, reaching my hand out.

"No need to be so formal," she says and pulls me into a hug. She was nice....and smelled nice too.

"So have you stopped aging?" She asks me. I nod with a tight smile. She nods in acknowledgment and turns to Loki.

"I cannot believe you, Loki Odinson, made friends," She says with a teasing tone.

"They're brother's friends not mine," Loki tells her. She scoffs and lightly punches him. I, honestly, felt so awkward.

"Sigyn come and sit, would you like food?" Steve asks.

"No thanks, but I appreciate the offer," she tells him with a smile. She grabs Loki's hand again as she pulls him to the table and they sit. Everyone else sits but I don't.

"(Y/n) come join us!" Clint yells.

"No thanks, I'm going to call it a day," I tell them and walk out. It be better if Loki and his new girlfriend didn't have someone like me there.

Ooooo Yn got competitionnnnnn!

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