Chapter 1

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"Lady (y/n) it's time for lunch," one of the servants says.

"In a bit," I mumble and continue reading my book.

"My lady you're father has ordered me you bring you right away, you have company," She says.

"Is it Aros?" I ask. Aros's father was a friend of my father. He also wasn't a guest. He was basically always over. In the short time I was here he was the most annoying. But he passed my time. Also he reminded me a lot of Nico.

"Yes Lady (y/n)," she says.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me (y/n)?" I ask, shutting my book.

"Your father has told us to treat you with respect," she says, looking down. I walk up to her and lift her chin. She was a young girl.

"Well he's not here now is he?" I ask with a small smile. She smiles and nods and I rest my hand on her shoulder.

"Now go and eat lunch as well with the other girls," I tell her. She nods and stands aside. I walk towards the dining room and wait for the guards on the sides to open the door.

"Ah my daughter has arrived!" My dad bellows. His eyes crinkle as he smiles.

You don't need to announce my arrival every time dad," I say with a small chuckle and hug him.

"Still waiting for my hug," Aros says with impatience. I bow a bit and smile at Aros's father and look to Aros.

"Keep waiting," I say with distaste. My dad and his dad laugh while Aros grumbles. I roll my eyes and open my arms.

"I knew you couldn't resist me," Aros teases as he hugs me.

"Think again idiot," I mumble and remove myself from the hug.

"Let's eat shall we!" My dad says and claps his hands. Him and and Aros's father sit next to each other while we sit next to each other. They talked business and our topics were random.

"So you wanna ditch after lunch and go somewhere else?" Aros asks.

"And where would that, thank you, be?" I ask, thanking the servant who served us. She smiles and gives food to Aros as well.

"I don't know," he shrugs.

"Thank her for putting your food then we'll talk," I say. Aros took his role in society as a huge benefit. He treated the servants as servants. Meanwhile, I didn't.

"Seriously? Again? I thanked her yesterday," he groans. I eat and ignore him.

"Thank you," Aros says to the girl and I turn to him.

"Wasn't so hard was it?" I ask.

"You're lowering my power," Aros groans. I look around confused and look under the table as well.

"What power? I don't see any," I shrug. He swiftly tases my side and I flinch.

"Are you ok dear?" His father asks me.

"Yes the food was just a bit too hot I suppose ," I say with a smile. I take the end of my sandal and slam it on Aros's foot. He yelps and his knee bangs the table, catching the adults attention.

"Aros please behave like a man," his father says. I snicker and eat a bite of my food.

"You bastard," Aros sneers at me. I make his voice louder and he looks at me in shock.

"Aros that is not how you treat a lady! Apologize now!" His father demands while mine laughs.

"I'm sorry (y/n)," he grumbles.

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