Chapter 22

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They were almost all crying, the ones who weren't were Loki and Sigyn but Loki's eyes were red and Sigyn was tearing up. But when I say crying it was a constant flow of tears. Even Natasha was sobbing into her hand. This was exactly what i didn't want!

I didn't want anyone else to know how I felt, to me I be taking it but I knew others couldn't handle it. I grew up being hurt, I was used to it. They weren't.

Now all my emotions I was feeling they were feeling it as well. This power of mine was so faint as well I didn't think much of it but clearly it was effective.

How long would it last? I don't know....this was the first time I had seen it in complete use. I eye the door to my far right. Either that way or through them.

"Sorry," I quickly apologize in a mumble and speed out till I reached my room. The door shuts and I lock it, sliding down against it.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," I whisper as I bring my knees up. Why am I such a fuck up? Why can't I do anything right?!

"It isn't your fault love," I hear Loki's voice reply from the other side of the door.

"Leave me alone," I sigh as I look at the view of the tiny window.

"As you wish...." he responds.

I don't reply but hear his footsteps fade away after a bit. I look around as my thoughts jumble

I wish I had someone to say them to....someone who'd understand. The others will probably pity me now. I'll get a "special" treatment but I don't want that....there was someone who'd listen to me but he hates me as of this moment.

I watch a bird land on a branch outside the window and quickly fly off. Actually now that I notice it, the window was on the top but big enough for me to crawl out....if I broke it I could leave. I get up and walk to it.

I look at the glass and make it turn hot. When I think it's hot enough I switch it and quickly make it freezing cold. Anyone who'd touch it right now would burn themselves. The quick change in temperature makes it crack. Finally something goes right in my life....

I go back a bit and look at the bare wall under the window. Might as well leave something for them....

I let a heartbeat show in frost and as it came to the end I let it fade into a flat line. Maybe they saw it as a suicide note but that's what I wanted them to see it as. I didn't want them to find me.

I use the air around me to push myself up as I punch the glass a few times. It took a while and my knuckles were bleeding but it didn't hurt as much as my heart and soul did. Either way I heal them.

The glass shatters and I push the sharp shards away. No alarms ring, which was good. But it was still daylight, even with the dark clouds, I'd have to be practically invisible.

"(Y/n)!" I hear Tony call from outside the door.

"Bathroom!" I yell back and quickly crawl out. I was in the back of the building. Good...

I look around and wait a bit. No one comes. I use as much strength as I could to propel myself into the air. Where could I go? It had to be a place they couldn't track me....the ocean? No that's stupid....but it'd work.


New York was thankfully close to the ocean and the weather wasn't good at all with the heavy downpour so people wouldn't be on the beach

When I'm a good enough distance from the shore I let myself fall smoothly into the ocean, placing a bubble of air around me.

As I fall I watch a shark swim past me, it was dark but it was close enough for me to see. As I felt my air supply lower I say my last words on earth for a while.

"Heimdall, open the bifrost...."

Just posting again cuz I have finals coming up and I don't think I might post then so have this cliffhanger(?) for a week now hehe n since I'm ahead I was planning out future chapters and I can actually see the end of the book now so oof there might be 30 something chapters total for this book.....anyways peaceee✨❤️

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