Chapter 6

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I sigh as I walk into my room. I could finally get my revenge. All that pain I endured was finally going to be worth it.

"Are you really going through with this?" Nebula asks as she walks into my room.

"Yeah, why?" I ask, falling back into my bed.

"No reason just wanted to make sure," she says and sits next to me. I nod and close my eyes.

"Do you ever miss him?" She asks. I sigh and think for a bit.

"Every day," I tell her honestly. No matter how much Thanos tried to get rid of his memories out my head....they didn't leave.

As soon as I finish a wave of pain goes over my head. I clutch my eyes shut and gasp as the pain leaves.

"Can you recall any of the happy memories you had with him?" She asks. What happy memories? He only filled my life with pain, heartbreak, and tears. There wasn't any happy moments with him or anyone in it.

"There aren't any to recall. Now if you may leave, I need to prepare myself," I grit.

"Nebula....did you do what I've asked?" I ask when she gets up.

"I did....good night and good luck," she says and walks out. I lay down on my bed and gaze off. Whatever did I do to deserve all that hatred? Well not to worry now...I'll show them, I'll show them all.

*Back on Earth*
*No one Pov*

"Tell me this is a joke!" Kristen groans and sits in the seat.

"It's not, I received a message of it last night," Thor sighs.

"Well it could be wrong right?" Bruce asks.

"She's with Thanos," Thor says.

"What of it." Tony asks.

"Thanos is capable of making people into weapons. The (y/n) that's going to attack us isn't the (y/n) we knew," Loki says from the corner.

"Should we evacuate LA?" Bruce asks.

"If Fury says we should then we can, for now he's made no movement or thought of it," Steve says.

"I just want know wh- where we went wrong," Kristen sighs, her voice breaking.

"She's lost. She doesn't know who trust because everytime she tried to we prove why she shouldn't. Thanos just took the advantage of her weak faith and turned her against us," Loki says, walking to the group.

"How do you know this?" Bruce asks. Loki gives him a small smile and sighs.

"I've been in her place. Before her I was his pawn," Loki says.

" do we know you're still not his pawn again?" Bruce asks.

"I was....I planned to stay that way as well. But love makes you do crazy things," Loki says and walks out.

"We've gotten used to it," Steve tells an uneasy Bruce.

"Besides she's safer with him than she is with us," Tony says and walks out the room.

"Did she clarify when she's going to attack?" Thor asks.

"No....make sure your prepared at all times," Steve says and leaves the meeting room as well.

*time skip*
*pov change*

"(Y/n) it has been a week since you let them know of your arrival and you haven't done anything!" Thanos says from his throne.

"I know," I shrug.

"Are you hesitating?....maybe you do not want revenge anymore," He says.

"(Y/n) has no reason to hesitate," Nebula answers for me.

"I wasn't talking to you," he sneers at her.

"As my sister she is allowed to contribute her thoughts to the conversations we have. I give the right too," I defend. She gives me a small smile and give a slight nod back.

"You see I told them I was going to attack and I told them where I was going to attack. I didn't tell them when though. Knowing them, they'll be up for nights waiting for me. The lack of sleep will slow them down a bit. While I, with my well rested army, can easily take advantage," I explain. He doesn't say anything but I see the amusement in his eyes.

"Also I'm only taking half of the army," I say before I turn to leave.

"Why would that be?" He asks.

"If I happen to fail, which I won't, they'll need to come get me wouldn't they?" I ask. I step through the portal in front of me and wait till it closes.

Something deep down told me this was wrong. Of course it was! Murder is never right now is it?

The room begins to spin as I hear whispers. The voices were easily recognizable, they were the voices of the ones who caused this pain. I hold my ground as the spinning intensifies and the hurtful comments blare around me.

"STOP!" I scream. Everything stops and I look at the drops of cold sweat fall onto the floor. The door bursts open to reveal Gamora.

"I heard a good?" she asks calmly. I nod and lick my chapped lips.

"Gather the half I'm taking," I tell her. She nods and walks away.

"Prepare yourself Earth," I mumble as i look out to the gathering soldiers. If they think a puny boy's anger is the worst thing that's happened, wait till they see the wrath of a woman.

I have a new Loki x Reader story in mind. Would y'all read it?

Loving Lies (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora