Chapter 25

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"You good? You aren't hyper as usual," I ask Aros as we walk out the dining room. Whatever my dad said to him had shushed him up real good.

"Yes of course. Before I forget, I have a piano lesson in a few," he tells me, turning to me to say goodbye.

"Remember to teach me as well," I say. After every lesson now he'd come and teach me what he had learned and I had greatly improved. Practice does make perfect....well I wasn't exactly perfect.

"Of course," he says. He turns and I follow him to the stables.

"Why didn't you just get someone to bring your horse this time?" I ask.

"I'd rather walk," he answers simply. I stay silent as we walk, clearly he didn't want to be bothered.

When we arrive Hades wasn't there as well, he was getting cleaned in the back somewhere. Aros gets a young man to get his horse and I wave as he rides off.

"When will Hades be done?" I ask to the guy.

"He just started so it will be a while Lady (y/n)," he answers. I nod and walk outside of the stables, breathing in the fresh air.

As much as I didn't want to think about it, I wondered how everyone else was doing. I really hoped they were happy. Of course they would be....Sygin was there, she was better than me in every way.

A small rustling breaks my thought as I look around. It comes again but as a small noise. It was behind me.....

I walk inside and look at the pile of hay. Was there something there?

"Hello?" I question. Pft like anything would answer. A black cat pops out as I mentally eye roll....something did answer.

The black cat sits and looks up at me with its Emerald Green eyes. I feel a pang in my chest as a certain someone crosses my mind.

I bend down and bring my hand out.

"Please don't bite me please don't bite me please don't bite me," I whisper as it takes slow steps forwards. It looks at me, amusement dancing across its eyes. However, it comes and licks the tip of my hand.

"Oh....I'M KEEPING YOU!" I squeal at the adorable thing. It looks at me, unamused.

"Damn ok...." I mumble as it turns around. I get up and walk out again. I'll just spend the day in my room I guess. BeCaUsE tHaT's FuN.

"(Y/n) where did you find a cat?" Raynor asks as I walk inside. I scrunch my face in confusion.

"What cat...." I ask. He points behind me and I look. It was the cat!

"Oh that cat!.....yeah I don't know...." I tell him. He rolls his eyes and laughs. Walking away, as he shakes his head.

I look to the cat again and bend down.

"You wanna come?" I ask and point to my room. It doesn't even respond and walks ahead of me.

"A fucking cat is showing me attitude," I grumble as I open the door. It walks in and hops onto my bed. I dramatically flop down it, my face facing the ceiling. When my closed eyes open I see the cat looking at me.

Out of shock I fall off the bed.

"Don't do that!" I yelp and I get up but then trip again from this fucking dress. How do Asgardians wear this shit. I land on my face and groan. If this cat was a person it would be dying of laughter.

I sit up and rub my forehead. I was done with this dress. I go to my wardrobe and pick out a Midgardian outfit. Which was a tank top, leggings, and a cardigan. I place it on the table.

I look at the cat who was watching me. Do I change in front of it? Or not?

" are just an animal...." I mumble and turn. I pull the dress of my shoulders and let it fall; leaving me in my fancy undergarments that Aros had ordered for me. Because you never know when you'll need to seduce someone, apparently....

I turn a bit to get my clothes but they weren't there. What the actual fuck? I turn and look around and see them on the bed.

I swear I left them on the table....I'm just going crazy. I go to the bed and look at the arranged clothing.

"Did you do this?" I ask the cat. It looks at me and meows. I smile and pick it up like a baby, holding it to my almost all the way exposed chest.

"Look you match my bra," I tell it as I flaunt in front of the mirror. I laugh a bit to myself and put it down. I slip into the clothes and sigh from relief. I flop down on the bed, landing on my stomach.

"We should give you a name," I say as I pick my head up. I think of some names as I look at the ebony black cat.

"How about Lucifer...yeah I'll chose that one!" I say and pick it up as I turn onto my back. I sit up and place it in front of me, smiling at it.

"You remind of someone ya know?" I ask. Lucifer tilts his head.

"It's this guy I really like," I say with a shrug and rub my neck.

"He's on Earth right now, that's where I'm from, with my other friends. They're superheroes, save the world and shit. I fought them once because I was being a bit controlled. After that I was tortured for a while and...uh..." I trail off. What was I going to say?

"Mew" Lucifer goes as he sets a paw on my thigh.

"I was talking about the guy I like right? I got off topic so yeah he's on earth with his wife. Mhmm wife....she's perfect. She's so sweet and funny and her smile is so bright it just makes you warm inside. They probably forgot about me with her there," I say with a small laugh. He licks my cheek and I pet him.

"I really love him....but he doesn't feel the same unfortunately. Of course he doesn't, he's married and in love with another woman. I was a fling for him," I sigh. I look at Lucifer and boop his nose.

"His eyes were a lot like yours. An emerald green. I could stare at them for hours. When you looked at them you just felt lost but the way he looked at you made you feel found......what am I doing I'm seriously saying all this to a cat," I scoff and get off the bed, walking to the balcony. I sit down and let my legs hang off it as I rested my head on the cool bars. I bring my head up and look at Lucifer who followed me.

"I fucking hate him....he just had to pick someone like me to make me fall for him huh? He was just so broken....broken like me, maybe that makes me a fool. The things he went through was just so sad I couldn't help but love him because I thought he'd know my pain and he made me feel like none of those problems existed. The only thing that fucking existed was him and I but it was all FAKE!" I yell and punch the bars. I wipe the tears that rolled down my face and cradled my now paining hand.

I give a large sigh and lay back on the tiled floor.

"I love him so fucking much it pains me to just think of him. My heart fucking feels like it's being fucking ripped apart. But can actually die from heartbreak so I know I'm dying soon," I say, laughing through my tears. I look up at the orange sky and close my eyes.

Eyyyy I'm still alive y'all dw. Okokok I'm at a sleepover so I can't talk muchhh but I love yalll❤️✨

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