Part 2 | Chapter 12: Taking Flight

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Part 2

Chapter 12: Taking Flight

The clouds parted and one could see a speck in the distance. In a short while, the plane would arrive at the City of Mysts.

A century ago, a massive earthquake displaced land masses all over the world. Small countries in the Pacific Ring of Fire sank to the ocean floor. However, a huge island - a continent resurfaced from the depths of the Pacific Ocean: Lemuria, an ancient land older than Atlantis.

Archibald Sebastian Roucan pioneered the exploration in Lemuria. Having found it rich in history and natural resources, he liquidated his assets and invested on the development of the land. He released his findings to the media, attracting tourists, explorers, archaeologists, and scientists to visit the area.

It was later believed that the land held many secrets for the passages were interwoven and intricate. The tunnels were endless and led deep into the Earth. Those who had ventured further than most had not returned. Others, who attempted to retrieve those who disappeared, spoke about shadows and the sense of being watched. The land forever shrouded in mystery, it was nicknamed the Mysts.

The stewardess tried to catch her sole passenger's attention. The man had been charming and friendly when he boarded, even flirting a bit with her. The doctor was famous for his work - not to mention, handsome that she was flattered by the attention. However, he had grown taciturn as they neared their destination.

"Doctor", she called again.

"Please don't call me that", he said. Fred placed a finger over his lips. His mouth curved into a conspiratorial smile.

"Oh." The stewardess covered her mouth, remembering that he wanted to be an anonymous tourist in the Mysts. She smiled back and said, "The car is waiting for you, sir."

"Thank you, Eliza."

The stewardess' smile widened, pleased he had remembered her name. Fred slung his bag on his shoulder and followed her to the platform. He extended a hand and said, "You've made this trip far more enjoyable than I imagined."

"My pleasure, sir." The stewardess shook his hand, slipping a piece of paper in his palm.

Their hands dropped. The paper secure in his hand, Fred descended the steps. He kept his head lowered until he entered the black sedan. He would have to thank Signor Santini for loaning the private jet in such short notice.

The billionaire would wave it off, of course. He had found it very amusing to see the doctor's discomfort for asking such a small request.

Well, I don't go around asking favours from my patients, he thought. Still, his pride was a little hurt when the signore guffawed after learning why he had wanted to leave as soon as possible.

A sneeze erupted in the car. From the rear view mirror, the chauffeur's eyes were glassy and his nose and cheeks were scarlet.

"You have a cold", Fred said. automatically pulling a flask from his jacket. He unscrewed the cap and poured the contents into it.


"Here. Drink."

Electricity seemed to spark from Fred's hand as he offered the dose to his new patient. The chauffeur shook his head, thinking he was hallucinating.

"What's in it?" He eyed the swirling green liquid.

"Do you know who I am?" Fred asked.

"My boss said you're a doc-" Realisation dawned on the chauffeur. Frederick Williams sounded so generic. It hadn't crossed his mind that the person behind the name to be anything but ordinary. Then again, he wouldn't have made that mistake if he wasn't running a fever.

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