Chapter 40: Man from the Future

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A/N: Hi everyone, here is another update. I hope you'll enjoy this one. :)

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Chapter 40: Man From the Future

White searing pain lanced behind his eyes. Fred lost his balance and fell from the bed. On reflex, he stuck his arm out to break the fall. Agony shot up his hand to his forearm as he hit the floor. The arm gave out under his weight.

Amid the haze of pain, he felt hands clasp around his shoulders. Gently. he was propped to a sitting position.

The Oracle stood and stepped out of reach.

Fred gave his wrist a tentative twist. The tenderness had gone and the headache had lessened to bearable pain. Shakily, he pulled himself up on his feet. "I've had enough of this. Take me back."

"You're not well." The Oracle turned towards the porthole.

"I'm a doctor. I say I'm well enough to go back."

"To Earth, maybe. Not in your timeline while in that state", he said impatiently.

"My what?"

The Oracle's jaw tensed.

"What's the date today?"

"The eighteenth of March, year 2168. You can't go, Fred. Not until you're fully recovered. Your first time leap left you unconscious for twelve hours. You go back now; you'd be completely useless to anyone for days. Besides," he let out a breath, "the Messenger's the only person I know who can travel at specific points in time. And he hasn't returned yet. You might as well make yourself comfortable and hear me out."

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" Fred narrowed his eyes.

"Reeves, state the Messenger's current location."

"I'm sorry, sir", a baritone voice said from one of the speakers. "The Messenger's exact location is unknown. His last known location was the hangar prior to his disappearance."

"Reeves, formally introduce yourself to Dr. Williams."

"I am Reeves. An artificial intelligence designed to assist Mr. Louis Robert Roucan and, most recently, to pilot his spaceship Silverfoot. A pleasure to meet you, Dr. Williams."

"Likewise, Reeves", Fred replied. "Can you lie?"

"Sorry. Please clarify your question."

"Can you tell untruths?"

"I was not programmed to say lies, sir", Reeves sounded put out.

"Are you sure he's a computer?" the question was directed to the Oracle.

"His programming included emotions. Better company than old robots."

"I am an artificial intelligence, doctor", Reeves interrupted.

"Please, tell me who is the other person in this sickbay". Fred kept a close watch on the Oracle.

"He is Mr. Louis Robert Roucan, owner of Roucan Global Enterprise, son of the late Alfred Roucan..."

Fred had misgivings in trusting a manmade creation. An artificial intelligence could still be modified by a programmer. After a moment's hesitation in risking offence, he finally asked for something to verify the truth. "Reeves, please show his medical records regarding his blindness."

"I'm sorry, doctor. Mr. Louis' health records are strictly confidential. Only the family doctor can access those files."

"Override security", the Oracle interjected in a resigned tone. "Let's satisfy the doctor's curiosity. Show him all my records."

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