Chapter 29: Enemies

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Chapter 29: Enemies

The bright golden gaze reminded Fred of Electra. Memories of her wearing those particular set of eyes were in situations where she was excited, sad or angry.

"I called you, you know", Cheska said. Was there a tremor in her voice that he heard?

"My phone was on silent mode. I'm sorry", Fred said. He patted the seat beside him, inviting her to sit down.

Her hands fell to her side. She sat at the opposite end of the sofa. "Tony told me what happened."

"He did?" he kept his tone even. The issue of the guardians was a secret. What excuse did Tony tell her? The chauffeur hadn't even warned him about this! What if she starts asking him more than what he could tell her?

"He saw somebody hurt when he was on his way to my house. Tony told you the situation and came to pick you up from your patient's home. How is he?"

"She's going to be alright." Fred wracked his brains on how to prevent her from asking for details.

"And you?"

"Me?" Fred asked stupidly.

"Aren't you supposed to take it easy today, doctor?" She arched her brow.

His forehead creased. The sarcasm whenever they addressed him doctor was getting to him. "I am now."

"You're not tired or in pain?" Fred saw the same worried expression she wore when he left her in James' home. "No side effects, nothing?"

"N-" he stopped. Fred felt guilty for getting annoyed. Tony already lied to keep Cheska from getting entangled in this new problem. She deserved to know his condition, at least. "Just a mild headache. It'll be gone by tomorrow", he added when Cheska stared at him intently.

"Is it really? Because this morning, I swear I saw you gingerly holding yourself up in my room. That doesn't look like someone who should be up and running like you did." She smiled wryly.

"I'm alright", he reassured her. Cheska's gaze drifted down to the hand on top of hers. Awkwardly, he patted the back of her hand and withdrew it, wondering what came over him.

"There's another reason why I came." Her eyes returned to his.

"There is?" Those amber orbs had a magnetic pull to them unlike Louis'. It mesmerised him to the point he could no longer hold a coherent thought. How long has he known this woman again? Two, three days?

"-called." Fred heard the tail end of the sentence. Reluctantly, he pulled his gaze away from her eyes. "I told her that I would relay the message to you. "Dr. Williams said that she'll be staying at Alfred's while she's here."

"Mom's here?" he breathed. Why now?

"She was quite expressive with her feelings over the phone. She wasn't too pleased to be the last person to know that her son's in town", amusement coloured her voice. "She found that out from Alfred, I think."

Fred's brows drew together. "How do you know each other?"

"I told you. She called James and mistook me for Diana when I answered it."

"She didn't think you were..." he trailed off.

"The phone's holographic-thingy malfunctioned."

They couldn't see other. Fred leaned back. The tension was beginning to leave him when he realised that they would probably meet again at Alfred's, Louis' father and probably hers. He hoped Louis would See and delay Cheska and his mom from meeting each other.

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