Chapter 35: Redirection

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A/N: Hi! I'm back sooner than I expected. Actually, am waiting for a software to complete its installation. Online installers can be lightweight to download but a nightmare when your internet is kinda slow. So here's a new chapter fresh from my smokin' fingers. Hehe. Hope I won't get too busy in the months to follow. >:)

Chapter 35: Redirection

The lad who opened the portal sat alone on a violet cushion. It was not what Fred had expected to see after crossing the doorway. They were in a white – he looked around. The walls, ceiling and floor appeared to blend into one.

Either this is some sort of optical illusion or I banged my head again, he thought. Fred dared to look down once more. All he could see was white and couldn't tell the distance of the ceiling and walls. Was it even safe to walk in such a place? His eyes trailed to the lad several feet from where he stood. The boy's a guardian, for heaven's sake, Fred scolded himself.

Cautiously, he shuffled forward.

The young guardian didn't seem to notice him. The lad was intent on staring at the ceiling. His arms were propped behind him with one leg swinging to and fro beneath the cushion.

When Fred was two meters away, the young guardian spoke, "Stay where you are, please."

For someone his age, the lad's tone was authoritative that Fred stopped. The guardian lowered his head and met the doctor's gaze. Then Fred understood. A silver band with a single ruby set at the middle of the forehead adorned the guardian's head. The doctor had a feeling that it wasn't part of a national costume.

"I am sorry, doctor. Any closer and my protective barriers would have hurt you." The lad smile sheepishly, fiddling with a pendant around his neck.

Protective barriers? Fred searched for any device attached in the guardian's person. A sensor, perhaps? He eyed the pendant and the crown. In his opinion, inflicting physical harm was going a bit overboard. The guardian must be a member of an extremely influential family.

"Where are we?" Fred asked and looked around again. The room hadn't changed – still the disorienting stark white space that gave him an impression of floating. The difference was his feet was firmly planted on solid ground.

"In Hathor's Hall next to the Assembly hall. We're not allowed inside. The guardians are discussing the Libyan matter with my Father now", the lad explained.

"Your father's the guardian, then?"

"Sort of." The lad shrugged. "Oh!" He smacked his palm against his forehead. "I forgot." Leaping to his feet, he took a step towards Fred.

"Wait." Fred backed a step.

The boy paused.

"Won't you trigger your barrier if—"

"Ah. No." He shook his head, grinning. "It doesn't work that way, doctor. The barriers are activated when an unauthorised entity – an outsider enters within a specific perimeter programmed into my protocol, according to the – a highly reliable source. I don't understand much of what they said except that it can be a painfully memorable experience for the person. The protocol allows me to approach you, doctor. But if your intentions towards me are evil..." he shrugged. "You're not going to hurt me; I suppose?" the lad added.

Fred shook his head, a bit overwhelmed. The doctor had never heard of a security system of its kind until now.

"I thought so." The lad took a deliberate step forward and another. Feet close together and arms on both sides, he slightly bowed, "Prince Noriden of Uruimeth. A pleasure to meet you Dr. Williams."

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