"I didn't clean up." Thor said.

Tony rolled his eyes.

"He only agreed to dress nice if I promised him he could drive." Bruce said.

"That's fine." Tony said, clasping on to Stephen. "Stephen can just open a portal there."

"Nope." Thor snatched Tony and rubbed his knuckles against Tony's brown hair. "It's more fun this way."

Tony laughed nervously. "Help me." He mouthed to Stephen and Bruce.

The two laughed.

"So, where are we going?" Bruce asked Stephen.


"Here we are!" Thor put on the parking break as they arrived at their destination.

His three passengers were holding onto the frame of the car for their dear lives. Bruce was in the passenger seat. Tony and Stephen sat in the backseat.

Tony looked Stephen. "I have to get out of here." He quickly unclamped his seatbelt and hopped off the Jeep. He got on his hands and knees and kissed the ground. "God, I swear I'm never leaving the ground again. Stephen laughed and got off the Jeep.

Bruce got out of the Jeep and looked up at red glowing neon sign on a building.

"Emilio's." Bruce read. He looked at Tony and Stephen.

"Yeah." Tony said, getting up from the ground. He wiped his hands on his jeans. "You've never been?"

Bruce shook his head.

"What?! Bruce, you've been here for three years, and you've never been to Emilio's?" Tony asked. Bruce shook his head again. "This is the best arcade pizzeria in the whole world." Tony said.

"Well, I don't really play a lot of games. So I never thought about com-"

"Games?!" Thor jumped up with joy.

"Yes. It's an arcade full of them." Stephen nodded.

"Bruce, what are we waiting for?" Thor took Bruce by the arm. "Let's go!" He pulled him inside the building.

"Wait-" Bruce and Thor disappeared into the building.

Tony looked at Stephen. "Shall we?" He took Stephen's hand.

"We shall." Stephen smiled and walked in with Tony.

The two sighed when the smell of pizza came into their nose. Ahhhhh, what a beautiful smell.


"It was second grade! I had no choice." Tony waved a piece of pizza around as the boys sat together at a table, telling jokes, laughing obnoxiously loud, and enjoying some pizza. Well, Stephen was eating a nice salad.

"It was hilarious!" Bruce laughed. "We had to hide the hamster behind the projector."

"Who knew Bruce had such dark humor?" Stephen said, eating a forkful of salad. He picked another forkful and looked at Tony. Tony leaned closer and opened his mouth. Stephen put the salad in his mouth.

"The real question...here is..." Tony chewed. "...how the hell did Thor ever get his driver's license?"

Everyone looked Thor.

"Yeah, how did you get your license?" Bruce asked him.

"Well, I'm Asgard, things are way different." Thor said.

"Let me guess. They ride hammers instead of-" Tony was cut off by a person that walked by.

"Hey, Tony."

Tony looked up at the person. It was Steve. "Steve." He swallowed what he had in his mouth. "Haven't seen you in a while? How's everyone?"

"They're good. Really good." Steve smiled. He looked at Stephen. "How've you been Stephen?" He asked.

"I've been better." Stephen gave him a small smile.

"We've been meaning to come visit, but we didn't want to freak you out or anything." Steve said.

"We?" Bruce asked.

"Hey, I found a way to get more tickets out of the pinball machine." Bucky said, putting a hand on Steve's shoulder. He noticed the four boys sitting at the table. "Didn't know you guys came to these parts of town."

"Are you kidding? This is the best place to be in this town." Tony said.

"Sorry we're late. T'challa and I ran into some-" Everett saw everyone. "Tony, Bruce. What're you doing here?" He smiled.

"To have a good time, what else?" Bruce smiled.

"I really didn't want to come, but I guess I might as well get used to this whole friend thing." Clint said, suddenly coming into the the group with his arm wrapped around a girl.

It was Natasha.

Stephen looked at Tony. He whispered in his ear. "Isn't that..?" He looked at Natasha.

"Yes. That's..." Tony nodded.

They both looked at her. She was talking to the group.

"That definitely is." They both looked at each other.

"Well." Steve interrupted. "Now that we're all here, why don't we all just sit down and enjoy each other's company?" He asked.

"Seems like a plan to me." Natasha said.

"Let's do it." Everett said.


"No way!"

"Dude! Gross."

"Hey, will you pass me some more parmesan?"

These were a few words heard coming from the groups table, accompanied by laughs and jokes. They had put several tables together to enjoy this moment, although the tables were a little crowded. Everyone was a little squished against each other.

"Excuse me." T'challa reached for the salt, pushing Tony and Stephen close to each other.

Their faces touched, and their lips were centimeters apart. They looked at each other, then at the rest of the table. Everyone was busy talking to each other. Stephen and Tony smiled and shared a quick little kiss.

They gave each other a smile and blushed.

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