Chapter 63: I just want a nap

Start from the beginning

However it wasn't the King that answered me. It was some old fishman with a long beard and mustache. "How dare you ask such a thing!" He growled, "You may NOT do-"

I blew a raspberry, keeping my face blank.

He blinked in shock, "Oh-"

"Shut it. I wasn't talking to you. Unless somehow you're the king now." He turned red at my comment. I turned back to the King, who had remained silent. "I really do need to get our side of the story. For both my Captain and I believe it's important to get all the details in." Then I snickered, "If this gets resolved later, you'll feel like a jerk and it'll just be funnier to see."

"You stop it too, Katsu! You're worse than Soul King!" Usopp yelled at me.

I simply ignored him, realizing the King was quivering in pain. "Are you okay? Zoro didn't go too hard did he?" When I didn't receive a response I closed my sketchbook and frowned. "I can't draw someone in pain. I also can't help unfortunately, since I'm not a doctor. Do you have any medication that can help?"

If the King was going to answer, he didn't get the chance.

"Katsu, get over here." Zoro said, making me look up. "And stop socializing with them."

Pouting I stood up and dusted off my shorts. I paused, however, at the sound of a bell. My eyes went to a guard, where I could make out a snail in his pocket, which was ringing.

Picking the snail out of his pocket, I looked at Zoro who was frowning at me. "Try this." I grinned, holding out the snail.

Zoro picked up the snail, scowling at it. "Hello, who is this?" A voice asked from the other end.

"Hey! You can't answer that!" The guard finally protested, apparently just realizing our intent with the snail.

"Oh, why didn't you tell us sooner?" I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Bring down the connecting hallway, open the castle gates. And open the imperial gates of the palace this instant!" The voice demanded.

I frowned, listening in as I leaned against Zoro looking at the snail in his hand. "Well, isn't he pushy?"

"Then what?" Zoro frowned, "We can't do that."

I smirked looking at the snail. Though Usopp, Caime, and Pappag were crying in the background.

"Which one of the Straw Hat's are you?" The snail frowned.

"The hot one." I answered, grinning as Zoro glared down at me.

"Fukaboshi, he's the Straw Hats swordsman! His bounty is 120 million! He's the Pirate Hunter Zori!" The King finally broke his silence only to butcher Zoro's name.

"That's Zoro!" Zoro growled, his teeth sharpening as he glared at the King.

"Or Mr. Hottie." I muttered low enough for the snail to pick it up and Zoro.

"Stop it, woman!" Zoro glared at me, much to my amusement. His attention went back to the snail. "You heard him. We have hostages, and one of them is your King. If you want them back alive, you'd better do what I say."

I frowned a little, glancing back at the King with slightly guilty eyes. Though I doubt any of us would keep that promise, I can imagine the panic going through the prince's right now. Their father's life is on the line.

Arisu will scold me for this when she finds out. Taking hostages was where she drew the line for me, though she was fine with me being a pirate. Mamoru would probably be disappointed as well. He made it clear that taking hostages was something cowardly.

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