Chapter 6

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Aries POV

I woke up suprising in a good mood. But at the same time confused. Why was it so easy for Chris to get that close to me? It was like once I was under his touch, I had no control over my own body. How could I be so vurnable? After I finish my thoughts of last night, I realized I agreed to chill with him and that he has my number. I get up and see it's like 2 in the afternoon. My mom is probably at work and Bria is probably spending the weekend with Grandma so I have the house until later on tonight. I stretch then roll out of bed and head straight into the shower. After I got out the shower, I put on high waisted shorts, a pink tank top, and white converse. I shake my curly hair out and wet it a little then I'm good.

I go and check my phone seeing I had a few text. One from Candy from last night, two from my mom this morning, and last but not least a text from Chris this morning. I answer all the other text then open Chris 's text last. It said "Goodmorning Aries. I was wondering if you could meet me at the mall at 3. If not we can just meet up later. I'll be by the fountain if u can come. See you later. " I bite the inside of my cheek look at the time then decide that ill just meet up with him. I grab my keys then leave out the house.

I drive to the mall and find a parking space. I walk inside and I look for Chris but didn't see him. Then I felt someone close behind me.

"Excuse me but you a little to clo- Oh hey Chris. " I say thinking it's someone else.

"Hey. You decided to come I see. "

"Yeah. Why not? I ain't got nothing to do anyways." I shrug

"Aight so what you wanna do? " he asked as we start walking around.

"I guess we can catch a movie or something. Then go get lunch."

"I'm cool with that. Let's go. " he grabs my waist with one hand walks us toward the theater.

I was really kinda out of it today based of yesterday. But anyways we walked to the theater and order tickets to see "No Good Deeds ". We kinda got into a little argument because he wanted to pay for everything. Once I got tired of fighting I just let him pay for everything. We got some popcorn and candy and sat in the back where we can see everything.

Towards the middle of the movie, I felt Chris put his hand on my thigh. I ignored it because it wasn't a Big deal. When I looked at him he was still paying attention to the movie. I went back to the movie not to mention we're in the back where nobody really sits. As the good part came on he started rubbing my thigh slow while going up slow. I stopped his hand when he got to close for comfort.

"Chris if you want to keep this hand you better stop playing. " I say lowly

"The reason you want me to stop is cause you know you like it Aries. " he whispers in my ear

I sit quiet after that and he smirks. When I'm finally able to focus, he was at it again. He put his hand on my thigh again. Then started talking into my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"See Aries I wanna get to know you. Can you let me do that? " I bite my lip and nod

"Good. So I guess we can do that either when we go to get lunch or you can back to my crib later ma " he said pecking my neck between each word

I finally got the strength to move him away. I took deep breathes before I answered.

"Sure we can do that." he smirks knowing what he did. After the movie is over we decide to go to get some take out and we both drive to his house and pull into the drive way.

"Nice house " I say looking around. It was very creative. Graffiti and different types of drawings on the wall. It was very amusing.

"Thanks. It's self decorated." he says while walking to the island and puting the food on it.

I followed behind him in the kitchen. I sat in one of the chairs. While he started unpacking the food I just was taking in his features. Nice pink lips, medium brown eyes, a nose ring, blonde hair, and a little beard.Chris is really cute. He looks up at me and smiles.

"What Aries? "

"Nothing." I smile a little then get up to take the chinese that I wanted.

I see him stand behind me smiling. I was trying to grab a plate from his cabinet. Short people struggles are real . I heard Chris chuckling while watching me.

"It's not funny." I pout turning around. He walks over still chuckling. Once he gets to where I'm standing,he just licks his lips while pushing me up against the counter. I look up at him and he gets the plate putting it down on the counter. He remained in the say spot.

"Chris aren't you gonna move or what? " he remains looking down at me licking his lips once again. I looked from his lips up to his eyes and did it again. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine.

I didn't kiss back cause I was surprised. He felt me not kiss back so he pulls away looking at me again. "I shouldn't have done that shouldn't I?" He asked. I chuckled a little.

"You shouldn't have but that's not why I ain't kiss back.I was just caught off guard and surprised " I say still chuckling sitting on the counter

"My fault I just had the urge and acted on impulse "he said smiling while standing in front of me. "But I won't catch you off guard this time." Right after he says that he kisses Me again.

This time I kiss back. I don't know what it is about Chris that makes everything feel so natural with him. He opens my legs and stands between them with his hands on my thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck. He starts deepening the kiss bringing me closer to the edge my the counter. Then we start making out and he picks me up off the counter wrapping my legs around his waist.

All I knew is he was tonging me down. He started walking up the stairs to his room while kissing my neck. "Mmmm Chris " I moan out. Once we get in his room he closes the door puts me down on the bed and gets on top of me....


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