16 - Trey the Traitor

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Flavio POV

Rummaging through my cupboards, I found the USB stick we retrieved from the Kaine assassination mission. I grabbed my laptop out from under my bed and yanked the USB in. There were hundreds of files, all from the C.I.A. There was an Agents file which I clicked on which then flourished into many more sub-folder files.

I pressed on Minor Agents and the names of old, new and present Minor Agents' names came up. I saw Valentina's name and pressed her sub-folder. A document named Past caught my eye and I pressed on it. It had all kinds of random information about her parents Leo and Esme, then in big bold writing I see a sentence. One sentence that changedmy life forever.

Valentina POV

I dug my nails into the hand on my waist and the person groaned in deep pain. I held the arm tight and threw my knee up, hoping to hit them in the dark. I was only a few metres away from the door and just had to have some sort of distraction? Urgh. Sometimes I really hate my life.

I ran towards the door, with the bit of Playdoh in my hand. Then two arms came and hugged me around the waist, lifted me up and took the Playdoh out of my hand. The person continued running towards the door and unlocked it with the fingerprint. Outside, lights were lit but the moon shone upon us. I could clearly see my capturer's face. Trey.

Suddenly, a guns back hit me on the arm, causing me to stumble and fall on Trey. I played  unconscious for a bit then when the unknown figure leant over me. I opened my eyes to see a guard. Of course. I hadn't even thought about it. Guards would obviously be guarding the perimeter of the Minor Agents' Block. Silly me.

I kicked up my leg, hitting the guard in the neck. I took his M4A1 gun, got up alongside Trey and tried to sneak into the other block. We crept on the walls and passed corners. Abruptly, I heard gunfire and cocked my gun. Trey was awfully quiet, as if in utter shock. Luckily, I always carried a silencer in my boot so I attatched it to the gun and shot at the attacking guard.

Trey grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "You shouldn't be shooting people, Summers!"

"And you shouldn't be here! So shut up before I shoot you!" I elbowed him in the stomach. I arrived at the entrance of the second Minor Agents' Block and unlocked the door. Trey stayed outside, informing me that he would keep guard.

I was confronted by a staircase and climbed it. The first floor was letters A-F, second was G-L, by this time my heart was in my throat because I was so tired. M-R, then finally the fourth floor S-Z. I slowly opened the door, leading to the fourth floors corridor. Caustiously, I crept passed every door and saw L.Sum. Lucas' dorm. Lucas and Aqua would stay in the same room because Aqua refused to sleep alone after all these happenings.

I dabbed the fingerprint on the door. Loudly, the door slid open and I stepped into the suprisingly large dorm. I switched on the light so I could see properly. There was a tall bunk-bed with Lockhart at the top and Summers (or should I say Gingerveen) at the bottom. The door behind me slid closed and I shook Lucas' shoulder, getting him to wake up. 

Lucas shot up in bed and his eyes widened when he saw my face. "No time. Hurry up and get changed!" I instructed him. I climbed up the bunk-bed and awoke Aqua. Her face was covered in sweat, and she was breathing hard when she sat up and opened her eyes. "Don't worry. That was probably just a bad dream. Now get up and get ready. Keep quiet, though!"

Lucas was in a black top with dark jeans and was all ready in no time. I was in my simple black tank top, with my leather jacket and army pattern jeans. Aqua wore her long-sleeved grey top, with baggy black trousers. We were all wearing combat boots. 

Downstairs, Trey was still guarding the door with the gun in his hand. "Let's go!" Trey ran. We all ran after him. We passed all the main blocks on campus and one big gothic building towered in front of us. The main building was tall, black and surrounded by security lights. Gargoyles glared at us in pity, as if warning us not to go into the block. 

Surrounding trees whistled at every step we took towards the block. I was not in slightest bit scared -just adrenaline and excitement flooded through my veins. There were no gueards in sight. The building was surrounded by a circular moat, making it hard to actually get into the block.

Suddenly, I heard Aqua scream in pain and I turned around to see Lucas and her on the floor. Not moving. "I'm sorry," Trey whispered. And shot me.

Flavio POV

Next morning, we were called to training bright and early. The only people in the line were Sophia, Hailey and I. No Valentina. And there was no Trey for training. I bet they eloped together, got married and lived happily ever after, I thought. Mr Whitehead walked into the training room alongside Trey.

At that moment, my thought flew away. But my heart sank. If everyone was here, where was Valentina? I had to tell her something important at the time. The thing that I found out yesterday, the thing that will change Valentina's life forever.

"In the early hours of this morning, three people attempted to escape HeadQuaters and get into contact with the outside world. They failed, thanks to Trey Peters over here. However, it was too late for them anyway. They were found dead," Whitehead roared, pacing the room frantically. "If you attempt to escape HQ, like these unfortunate souls, please be awake that you will end up like those agents."

My heart stopped beating for a second because of the overflow of questions in my mind. Was Valentina dead? Why is she not here? Who were the dead agents? 

"Who are the dead agents?" I asked out of line. Sophia and Hailey glanced at me.

"Come, we shall show you the bodies."


omgomgomg. what happened? Is Trey a killer? A traitor? Woooaaaaah, things are heating up. There's only 5/6 chapters of the whole book left. Hope you enjoyed this and enjoy the rest....


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