13 - My Name, Your Last Words

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Guys I need your help, okay so I'm about halfway though the story and I need to pick a Special Award to participate in. My choices: Best overall castMost wanted Big-screen adaptation or Best female character. But I'm only allowed one.



Valentina POV

The van suddenly came to a halt, causing me to fall backwards. I heard the drivers door slam close and footsteps getting closer. Kaine yanked the doors open and came into the van then sat next to me. "What do you want?" I spat through gritted teeth. 

"I think we've already established the fact that I wanted, and still want, you," he teased, holding my chin. I grunted and shook him off. "Now, you can just let me have you or we can do this the hard way."

"I prefer the hard way any day, Kaine." Kaine had short brown hair and a stubbly chin. His jawbones were absolutely amazing yet they looked so fragile. Which was good for me. "But in this case. Let's go."

Kaine held my arm and escorted me out of the uncomfortable van. He closed the door behind us and walked me to a small house in view. We walked in and he threw me down on the sofa. My hands and legs were free  but I knew that if I moved I'd get beaten in combat but you know what? It was worth a shot...

Flavio POV

My leg wasn't really hurt, I wore protective shin-pads on my legs, just knowing that I'd get shot there so Hailey and I chased and chased the van until we could no longer keep  up. We halted in front of a T-Junction. Left or right? "I'll go right you go left, and if I don't find her, I'll come back and help you. Just go, and please don't hesitate to cut the moron into pieces!" Hailey howled, running off into the night.

I ran left, deeper and deeper into the narrow, endless alleyways. Suddenly, I spotted a white van in the distance and sprinted to it. Was this the one Val was taken in? There were no signs of entrapment or damage, so I thought that Val musn't have been in this one because I know she'd punch the insides of the van, causing a lump in the front. 

After a few hundred metres of running and searching, I saw another white van and a small house's lights on. I crept towards the house and stood beside the window. There were curtains covering the window and a small part of the window was open so I could faintly here the conversation. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled Hailey's number.

"Hailey, go back to where you turned right. Then run in the direction I ran, you'll see a first white van, ignore it, continue running straight. Then you'll see another one. Hurry up and meet me there. Or we could be too late," I whispered fast into the phone, not letting Hailey say anything. I hung up.

Time passed so quickly and suddenly I could hear continuous tapping of high heels. I walked forwards to see a small feminie figure running like a headless chicken towards me. I ran towards her to stop her making that loud noise. "Hailey..that was loud! Try not to run in those high heels!"

"Argh, what do I care!" she muttered to the shoes, snapping off the heels really hard. She threw the stiletto heels behind her and ran towards the lit house. She saw a water pipe going up the side of the house and pointed towards it. "Gimme a leg-up. I'll get up there and enter through the chimney at the top. I'm lighter than you before you say anything, so be a dog and I'll stand on your back, sorry about the suit!"

She stood on my back then climbed the water pipe quietly but carefully, nothing like I had ever seen before. She was like a spider, so gentle but fast, quiet but scary when offended. Beofre I knew it she was on the roof and then disappeared down the chimney. I heard a loud thud and took it that Hailey had landed in the lounge. 

They'd be distracted, I thought. So I opened the window quickly and jumped in. I didn't really think it through because I was tangled up in a curtain. Great. I got myself out and saw Valentina on the sofa all tangled up. Kaine had his shirt unbuttoned and suddenly fury boiled up in my head.

Hailey was there kicking, punching and slapping Kaine. He caught her round the waist and threw her hard on the floor. I got out my gun and cocked it, ready to shoot. Valentina shook her head and was screaming under the duct-tape shutting her mouth. I ran to her and cut open the tape and the rope restricting her from movement with a knife. 

She jumped up, and looked me up and down, then stopped to gaze at my leg asking aren't you hurt? with her eyes. I pulled up my trouser and showed her the shinguards. "Clever!" she remarked then turned around to help Hailey. 

I still had my gun in my hand and it was still cocked. A pull of the trigger and the bullet would be shot. Valentina kicked him hard in the back and he stumbled forwards. She grabbed his hands and tied them very hard with a rope. She turned him around on the floor and grabbed the staple-gun on the shelf. Val stapled his shirt to the floor, a few milimetres and his skin would've been stapled, too.

"You asshole. Try to move and I swear I will staple your face!" she yelled. She sat on his stomach and began interrogating him. "What's the real reason the C.I.A want you?"

"I'm a robber," he replied, his normally arrogant voice shaking.

"Wrong!" Val stapled his right hand. "Think again!"

"Okay! I am the only one who's successfully hacked and destroyed most of the C.I.A's security mainframes and retrieved foreign government files."

"Mmm.. I don't care. Anything else I need to know? You might as well say everything. I will kill you, anyway."

Hailey was stood there holding down his shoulders. "Nope, nothing else." 

"Flavio, give me the gun." I handed her the gun, Kaine started repeating the word 'no'.

"Please Val, I have a wife and three kids. One is only three months old. I can't leave it now!" Kain wailed.

"You have the decency to call your own child it? I bet you don't even know what gender it is!"

"He, Chis Kaine needs me!"

"Okay, I'll ensure he gets the best education, protection and the best possible life. I, myself, will fund your family and also make sure that they hate you for the rest of your life," spat Val. You could just tell she was angry. Her face was now red and her teeth were gritted, making her jawbones look vicious.

"I have information on other cases. Any case. Just go to my computer and take out the USB stick, every password on there is B107HYOL. Just let me go. Please."

Val nodded towards the computer, I got up and tested the password-protectd files on the USB. The passwords worked and this guy had information on every single case in the bloody United States! "Jackpot!" I yelled.

"Done. Let me go," struggled Kaine.

"Hmmm..." Valentina stood up. Hailey stared at her and clenched her teeth. She wanted Kaine dead.

"Val, it was this guy. This is the one that forced me to lose my most precious thing. This guy is the reason why I died mentally and he is the one who ruined my life," she spat. This guy raped Hailey. It was him.

Val took the bullets out of the gun. Hailey and I looked at her in confusion. She pulled up her dress, yet again reaching into her undershort pockets and got out golden bullets. She kissed them oh so seductively and inserted them into the M1911 .45, Kaine begas trying to free himself.

"Remember when I said the last words you breathe will be my name..?" Valentina asked.

"Valentina..." Kaine whispered.


She shot him in the stomach, threw the gun on the floor and walked out of the house. Hailey and I walked after her, our mouths open in utter awe and amazement. Val took out a grenade from her bra, unclipped it and threw it in the independent house behind her. 

A huge explosion sounded as Valentina, Hailey and I walked away from the house, flames crackling behind us. I clasped the USB stick in my hand and smiled.

We'd done it. We'd taken out th most wanted man in America.


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