4 - Rifles & Dummies

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Thanks for the readss ! this chapter is action-packed near the middle of the 1st page and an unexpected encounter ...heehee x


Lucas, Aqua and I were crossing the road and on our way to Downtown Cafe to meet the mysterious guy who requested our company for a briefing about our C.I.A promotions. We gazed around once we got in the cafe to find a spare table. There was one at the end and so we sat down there. I observed my surroundings and saw a man in surfer clothes; he looked at me and sat down beside Lucas.

"So, I guess you guys are eager to start with how early you came here," he chuckled, his wrinkly cheeks touching the faint bags under his grey eyes.

"Ha, no we-" I got cut off.

"Shut up, little one. I know what you're gonna say but I have no time to waste. Just listen to my instructions carefully and make sure you remember the adress I give you. You have your first show-up-and-train session at HQ tomorrow with a few other young recruits. You'll be given a residential home at HQ and sleep, eat and everything there. Basically like a training camp. You'll also be given your first mission tomorrow so you better be prepared. Arrive at 5am and you'll go to sleep at approximately 01am. You have a long day ahead of you so get plenty of rest tonight."

He looked at Aqua with a sad expression on his face. "It will be hard for you to leave your baby brother behind so we thought that you could bring him over and your roommate will be a woman in her thirties and her duty will be to look after your brother." He looked back at me and whispered the next bit. "Come to Littleways Avenue and you'll have a Mini escort you to our secret location. I have to go. Bye."

That was too quick. Without another word, all of us went home in silence, obviously drowing in an ocean of our own thoughts. When we arrived home, I crept into Aqua's room and sang her asleep. She's an old enough girl to sleep on her own but I wanted to comfort her -because it may've been the last bit of comfort she'd get in a long while.


The Mini pulled up in front of us and we climbed in, instinctly knowing that this was our pickup taking us to HQ. We weren't able to see the location because the windows were covered. After what seemed like hours but in reality may've only been twenty minutes, we started descending into the ground, presumably by a lift or something. When the car came to a halt, we were told to get out. We all put our backpacks on and looked at eachother. 

"Throw your backpacks there, your gear is fine so get to training straight away. Through that door over there," one of the drivers said whilst pointing towards a big silver door in the middle of towering gray walls. Everything was gray and plain.

"Let's go," Lucas sighed. We all followed and opened the door together. When the door opened it was like a whole different world. You could hear grunting, shouting, screaming and a whole load of cursing. I don't like it when people curse, I get an urge to flykick them in their face.

"Hello, and welcome to the Training Facility. Start anywhere you want -you might wanna make a good first impression, if you appear weak, the other agents will target you in the future," came a chilling voice from behind. I turned around and looked at there stood burgundy haired guy, looking like he just hit his thirties. "Hey, I'm Mr Whitehead, but you can call me Vince. One rule, no killing and try to avoid arguments and fights, the damage your ego. Go ahead. Start."

My eye caught a sword fight section... Whoo, sword fighting. I like! I thought. I walked over there, still wearing my navy blue jeans and my white short sleeved top. My hair was in curls around me -not ideal for sword fighting. I walked over to the guy who was standing there. He was in his early twenties, judging by his looks. "Oi, pass me that sword!" I spat, nodding at one of the two swords he was holding. He threw it at me and squinterd. 

"I'm Flavio. Pleasure to meet you," he sarcastically smiled.

"Valentina Summers. Keep the pleasure, I'm here to sword fight, not mingle," I squinted.

"Okay, let's begin."

I threw my sword forwards, collaborating with his silver sword. I twisted it to the ground and somersaulted backwards. "Woah, not too bad...for a girl. Girls shouldn't even be here. This is a guys job," he chuckled.

That insulted me and my whole gender, I took the sword and twisted it until it was under his chin. Evilly, I squinted and I guessed by his expression, I looked deadly. "Do not say that ever again!" I commanded and kicked him in his chest. Abruptly, he fell to the floor and grunted, I threw my sword on the floor behind me and turned around. The whole training center was glaring at me with their mouthes dropped open. "What?"

Gracefully, I walked over to the second set of big doors and walked through them. Oustide lay a big building in the middle of the field and next to it lay archery equipment, and arrogantly, I walked in as if I owned this whole C.I.A Training Establisment. Inside was a big area where there lay eleven guns and countless dummies. Target shooting. Then I'd move on to archery outside.

Still angry at Flavio, I took the first rifle and shot at the dummy, imagining it was him. Suddenly, the hut door opened and a girl around the age of Lucas -if not older- walked in. "Hey, I saw what you did back there. It was... brave?" she remarked as if she was asking me a question.

"Shut up and leave me alone," I sighed, taking my anger out on her.

"I know you're angry," she said. With the rifle by my side, I looked at the girl. "...Ha, don't shoot me. I'm Hailey. Just wanted to get to know you, you seem like a good person."

"Wait... I told you to shut up and leave me alone and you still want to become friends?"

"Yeah, I'm dangerous but friendly. I'm 17." We shook hands and I managed a smile. The bare room became silent and Hailey and I just stood there gazing at eachother, trying to read each other's thoughts. Abruptly, the door flew open. I fell back onto the wall and gasped. In protection, I held my rifle to the openers face. It was Flavio on rage mode. He didn't need to say anything for me to understand what he was going to say, you shouldn't have done that. I only wanted to be nice and now I'm going to hurt you back.

I jumped back and aimed the rifle at his head. Suddenly, he outstretched his hand and helped himself to a rifle. Hailey looked at me and kicked his rifle out of his tensed hands. It landed right next to me. "Sophia!" he summoned. A girl Hailey's age walked in and she looked at Flavio. "Her," he nodded towards Hailey.

Sophia's ponytailed blonde hair danced side-to-side as she flung herself -foot forward- towards young Hailey. She ended up kicking her in the stomach, causing Hailey to grunt and fall to the floor. "NO!" I screamed. But I could do nothing. Flavio stood right infront of me, giving me no space. He picked up the rifle from the floor and pointed it to my hip. "Leave me alone, Flavio."

"In your dreams...Val," he whispered evilly. He squinted at me and kneed me in the belly. I grunted heavily and fell to the floor. He stood back aimed the rifle at my head. I aimed mine at his head too whilst Hailey and Sophia both looked at us. We all had rifles and were pointing at each others' heads. 

Who would shoot first?



After, after 1,500 reads, of which 120 are on this chappy, i will upload. I hope you vote and pop a comment. I hope this was action packed enough for youuuu!


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