6 - Dreams

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Thanks for all the reads and the support guys! I'll do well in the watty's for you guys! Enjoy  (+& VOTE! ;])

 Today we were told that we are going to London for our mission. What could Lucas' parents have that makes it need five of us to take them out? Only time will tell, I guess.


"No! No! Go run! Ana, run! Don't look back, just go!" a woman being thrown in a van screamed. The little girl (aged about six) ran for her life, dodging every man standing in her house. Right, left, right, left. The girl had long a darker shade of blonde hair and was in her yellow pyjamas. The men were tall, about thirteen of them, scattered all around the house for an unknown reason. They were wearing shining black leather jackets, black combat bottoms and black heavy boots. They were covering their faces with balaklavas. Sprinting and dodging, Lana got out via the back door. Suddenly, a baby started crying and Lana stopped. "Xavier!" she whispered. Gunshot. The crying stopped.

"Only way to stop a baby's crying is to kill the baby itself!" the men chuckled.


I woke up that morning with adrenaline pumping through my veins. Suprisingly, felt powerful and energetic as if I was part of the dream myself. Freddy, Flavio, Sophia, Hailey and I were told to dress casually and arrive at the main hall for departure to London. I wore a plain red tee, my jeans and left my dirty blonde hair out. What a first! Astonishingly, when I arrived at the main hall, everyone was there. Normally, I'm the first at a meeting... early for school... early for doctor appointment etc. 

"Ok, all of you will have to sign this contract which proves that you will keep all these destinations, mission briefs and etc. a secret. They're very valuable," Mr Whitehead demanded as we were given the contracts. I signed mine quickly not bothering to look at small print. 

Ruffle ruffle.

I looked back to see my bag being searched. Without thinking, I clenched my fists and punched the man in black in his pale face, I flung up my leg and kicked him on the shoulder, then put him in a headlock. "What the hell are you doing going through my stuff, you moron!" I shouted, kneeing him in his stomach.

"It's standard procedure, ma'am. Please.. leave me..." he managed to say in between gasps of air. I let go of his neck but still eyed him. I could hear Flavio trying to contain his laugh. It didn't work. Angrily, I shuffled closer to him.

"Do you want a punch as well, 'cos I won't hesitate, you idiot?!" I hissed. Attempting puppy dog eyes, he shook his head. "Oh get a life!" I turned around to face the whole team and staff. "What kind of place do you call this? I don't care if you're the bloomin' C.I.A. You gotta be telling me that you're gonna be going through my belongings. I know this was a promotion but even for me this is too much! I haven't got a real family. I don't know what's happened to them and yet you seperate me from people that I call my family? Seperate me from my adopted brother who means everything to me? I know you guys may think I haven't got feelings, but I do. I do!"

I broke into unstoppable tears. First time in my life. I cried.. in front of people who'd given me my job. Shameful. "Ma'am. Please calm down. You will all be working together, I'm sure we'll all forget about these events.." Mr Whitehead said, trying to calm me down.

"SHUT UP! I DON'T CARE. I GIVE UP!" I got a tissue out of my jeans and ferociously wiped the tears off my now blood red cheeks. My left arm started to sting and black spots invaded my vision. Black. All black.


I woke up in a stuffy envioronment. I had a blanket covering my shoulders and I was strapped to a seat. "Um..Err.?" was all I managed to get out. It didn't take a genius to figure out that I was on an airplane. Whatever. Next to me was Flavio and on my other side was a body guard. "I'm on an airplane," I sighed.

"No shit, Sherlock," Flavio chuckled. "Shall I get you some food?"

"Nah. I'm okay. I wanna sleep," I said closing my eyes to go back to sleep.

The girl is running. For her life. She's enraged... frustrated and crying. She stumbled across a dead body and fell face forwards. In fear, she screamed agonisingly. Cupping the victims face in her hands, her breathing accelerrats and starts shaking the body. "Beth, Bethy?! Wake up!" the girl screamed. "Beth, not you too. Don't you leave me too! Please? Please?"

She continues, "I'm sorry for all the rude things I've said to you and I'm very sorry for not being there when you needed me most. Beth. please Bethy. You can mock me for the rest of my life about this if you wake up. Please. You're the only one left. You're the only family I have now. Mom's gone, Xavier's been shot, I haven't seen Dad for years on end. Bethy, please? I will be a better younger sister. Just give me another chance. Please?!" She screams. "This is a prank, right? Just revenge for the ones I've done to you... riighhhttt? Just nod, blink or smile. Just please." 

The girl rests her head on Bethy's chest and weeps and weeps. There is no heartbeat. Bethy's blonde hair is brushed in strands across her face, and blood is slowly trickling down her chin. There are scars on her face and blood coming from her ears. Her arms are spread around and one of her legs is in a position it shouldn't be in... maybe dislocated. Footsteps emerge.

The girl jumps up, kisses Bethy on the forehead and attempts to drag her by her arms with her. The footsteps come closer and the girl drags her sister harder but it is not working. "Hey, hey. This is the one we missed," and old, bald guy in all black says. Hands close into her face... closer and closer.


  I wake up sweating and breathing fast. Was that real? No. Phew. I hear the naturally agressive voice of Flavio and I shoot up. "Val, get your stuff. We've arrived," he whispered. Grabbing my belongings, I got up, shoved the blanket off myself and travelled off the plane. Guess what greeted me?


Yes. The rain was pouring down in London as me and my whole group walked to sign in at HQ. On my walk down, I grabbed a newspaper which was on a rack. The front page's headline was big and bold. As I read it I stopped in my tracks.


On  the cover, there was the picture of the girl. The girl from my dreams. She's missing? What the hell is going on? How long ago was it? Why was the case closed in the first place? Why has it been reopened now?

"What the heck it that?" Mr Whitehead boomed, snatching the newspaper away from me and scanning the article. His face dropped. "We haven't got time for any distractions, Vav. Val. Val, I mean. Just focus on the objective. Okay?" 

 No. Not okay. I want to explore this reopened case. I want to help find this girl. I mean, I think I have the most helpful information. I feel like I connect with this girl. I will help. Mr Whitehead looked at me sideways as if trying to decipher my thoughts. Did he know something I didn't know?


so so so sorry for the late update. 1,000 reads since last update? I'm getting worse. But I had end of year exams and everything. I'll upload weekly from now on, get the story finished then focus on advertising for the Watty's. Please leave a comment and don't forget... voteeee ;)

Please recommend as well. I need all the reads I can get(:

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