7 - Distractions

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  • Dedicated to MyReaders(:

Thanks for the fast reads(: Hope you enjoy this chapter, VOTE, Comment pleasee&Recommed ;) It had to be kinda short cos I'm on holiday. But at least I wrote, right? By the way, check out my new book... A Modern Love Story.. It's a romance [; 

+&Fan :D


I really couldn't stop thinking about this Ravanna girl who was missing. There were so many questions that I needed answered. The only thing that would distract me from our original mission would be this case. This reopened case for Ravanna Elicia. I mean, I've seen so many other cases like this, but there was something in this one that intrigued me... 


Why did Mr Whitehead's face drop when he saw the story in the newspaper? Does he know something about it? About the girl? About the case? I need to suss it out.

Anyway, we arrived at a casual hotel. Not one of the high-class ones, there's too much security in those. We'd probably be searched everyday or something. I got a big room with two double beds. One each for me and Hailey. 

Quickly, the night came and me and Hailey were tucked into our beds. We could hear Flavio and Fredrick laughing about some dumb video game in the room next to us. I couldn't sleep so I got out the newspaper, which I hid away under my bed, and startd to read the inside pages for more information on the Elicia case.

Ravanna Elicia has been missing for over 12 years. Her mother was killed in a brutal home attack on the day she went missing and her father's whereabouts is unknown until now. Many officials are carrying out searches but they are satisfied that he is dead. Our Missing Persons correspondent has more.

"Ravanna Elicia disappeared when she was eight years old. When police and nationals searched her house, they found many corpses buried around their home. Three bodies were recovered and named as Lily-Ann Elicia, aged fourty-six, Charlotta Elicia, aged fifteen, and Xavier Elicia, who was the youngest at eight months. Ravanna was seen by neighbours runningaway from three tall figures however we are not certain. The cases reopening has satisfied the majority of human rights' protestors who have been trying to find Ravanna.."

A brief knock shook the room door. Hailey and I jumped and turned off the tv. The knock was getting louder and harder...like someone was about to break in. I grabbed the lamp and Hailey grabbed a hanger. Ready for action. We opened the door really quickly and without seeing who it was..kapow! I threw a kick in the abdomen and the opponent fell backwards. I win. "Oh gosh, Val. What was that for?!" Flavio's husky voice asked me. Oh shame, I'd attacked Flavio. Ah, at least it was fun. 

A few minutes later, Hailey, Freddie, Flavio and I found ourselves in a circle on my rooms floor eating pizza and cracking old jokes. Good times. I mean this would be the last bit of freedom and fun we'd get before the assassination began. However, I was having second thoughts on taking out Lucas' real parents. I think he deserves to know that his biological parents are alive.


The blinding topaz sun woke me up in the morning. I felt inspired and brave, so guess what? I called Lucas. He wasn't picking up. Instead I went downstairs alongside Hailey into the meeting room for a final briefing on the mission. Extra details on why we need to take out Lucas' parents. None of it mad sense to me really so instead I daydreamed about home. Oh, how I missed home. Home. Mom shouting at Dad. Dad rocking in the corner in depression. Home.

As soon as we got let  out of the meeting, I took out my cell phone and redialed Lucas' number. "Hello, Lucas. It's me, Val," I started, breathing heavily because of what I was about to confess.

"Yeah? Val, how have you been? Haven't heard from you in ages!" he chuckled in relief.

"I haven't got time to socialize but what I just wanted to say is that this mission is very hard for me and I don't think I'll be able to do it."

"You can take out anyone! You're the amazing Valentina Summers!"

"But this is different. I'm taking out someone different," my voive drops to a whisper.

"Who, Val? It can't be that bad?" 

"Your parents. Your real parents."

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