54. DA meeting, part 2

Start from the beginning

In this way, time flew by. Harry still did some attacking spells with the students and Milli finally got to the point where she asked Luna and Toby to help the younger one with the spell as well.
"You are great. I did not think you all learn so fast and that, "Harry looked at his watch," two hours. Good, guys, stop practicing today. Dobby, Winky! "
The house elves appeared with two popps.
"Hello, are you feeling great?"
"Hello, singer. yes, we all feel great, even fantastic. "
"Nice, great."
"He just does not get used to the Super, he really puts it behind every sentence."
"But that's not bad, Winky. When I think of what he gave in the beginning so everything. "
"Yes. Why did Mr. usHarry called Snape? "
"Sorry, old habit. What can we do for you?"
"These students worked very hard today and used a lot of power. Could you please bring us something to eat and drink? For the other group, please. "
Excited ear slamming was the consequence. Both elves were almost over-zealous.
Not a minute later, there was a large table in the room, on which the most delicious things were piled up.
"Well then, come on."
"Wow, Harry, unbelievable what you have connections for."
"Thanks, Dobby and Winky are my friends. It was you who told me about this room. "
Puck jumped up and down, he grabbed Flora and went to the table with her.

Harry went to the still working group.
"You should also take a break. How far are you?"
George put his wand in his pocket.
"We found a suitable saying. Or rather, Neville found him. Now we just have to practice it. "
Neville blushed a bit.
"That's great. but as I said, first we take a break. "
That called, at all, approval. Shortly thereafter, everyone was covered with food and drink and everyone sat on comfortable armchairs or sofas. This room was really ... great, as singer would have said, no matter what you wanted, it appeared. Good, except for food, but that was clear.

After they all devoted themselves to their food for a while, a boy interrupted the silence.
"I never thought it would be so much fun to be a magician! When I found out three weeks ago that I could still gain magic power, I almost burst into tears. But learning is exhausting. "
The others looked at him understandingly. The boy was a former squib. He was already twelve years old, but had to start with first grade. So it was for all "new wizards who were under seventeen.
"If you continue this fast, you may be able to skip the class."
"Harry, that will not work."
"Why not?"
Hermione switched to her teacher mode:
"Because in the wizarding world there is no system of skipping. This is only possible with Muggles. No matter how good somebody is, he has to stay in the class that's meant for him. "
"Again a law that is absolute nonsense."
"Let me guess, you know so well, because you tried it yourself?"
"No, Ron, I did not try. For that I like to be with you. But Percy tried it. he came cursing into the common room in our first year and said that it was a joke he would be treated like that. After all, he was old enough. At the time I did not know what that meant, of course now. "

Then silence returned. everyone now knew that Percy Weasley had suffered as a child from the magic-drawing illness.
To be precise, all the old cases were rolled up again and those affected got a compensation. The money was donated by the women of the former Brotherhood. They had specially set up a fund for it.
most of the time, however, the money could only be paid to the bereaved because the treatment method was discovered late, or because it was Muggle-born, or the parents did not have enough magical power to perform the treatment for a long time.
The latter was mainly due to the incest of purebloods, which not only caused the notorious madness, but also weakened the magic power.

It was Puck who interrupted the oppressive silence.
"I am really glad that our fathers, and in some cases mothers, have been put to work. now finally this disease dies out. Besides, our younger siblings are safe from the ritual. And best of all, Flora does not have to marry Draco Malfoy. "
The last statement had an interesting reaction. anyone who had something to eat or drink in the mouth choked.
Others just looked disgusted or deeply shocked.
Neville hugged the little Flora. And others could not help but hug the girl.
"Wait a moment. Those jerks were so proud of not having black magicians in their ranks. Why the hell did they want to marry a sweet Veela to Malfoy, of all people? They could just sign a marriage contract with Riddle personally. "
"Who is Riddle?"
"Tom Riddle, that's the bourgeois name of the unnameable. He hates that name, so if you want to annoy him, just call him that. "
Nervous giggling was the result.
"To come back to your question. puck's father thought that since you are such a rare creature now, you can win the war in no time. And my dad said that since Malfoy Senior is safe in Azkaban, it would be beneficial to have his son in our ranks. His choice of words, not mine.
he said and I quote literally, 'I'm sure Draco Malfoy and my little Veela will breed very powerful offspring. The boy will certainly not miss this opportunity. '
he wanted to start a marriage contract immediately after the war and then I was to be married at seventeen. "
Harry pulled Flora onto his lap.
"Then it's twice as good that you do not have to be afraid of it anymore.
To be honest, I tend to believe that you would have been better off with Lucius Malfoy. "
"Why?", It came from half of the room.
"I suspect Mr. Malfoy is not so much behind Riddle, unlike his son."
"Are you sure?"
Neville looked at him anxiously.
"Find out, but yes, I'm pretty sure."
Then Harry started teasing the girl in his lap.
"Hahaha, mercy please."
"Because then I'll tell you who else should be brought to the man, or rather the witch."
Immediately, Harry stopped tickling.
"Traitor," Puck mumbled.
"Hey, you started. You know, Puck should marry as well, Hermione, though. "
This resulted in a similar reaction as Puck's message earlier. only that Ron jumped up angrily and cursed Puck's father violently and Hermione fell off her beanbag.
"Quiet, little brother, nothing has happened. And do you really think that Minchen got involved? "
"Fred is right, rather, Hermione would have secreted the good gentlemen into the next century. And then, at the latest, everything would have come to light. "
"You're right, but the idea is disgusting. Not because I do not like you, kid. But the idea that Hermione was with ... "
"Another," George said.
Ron had the decency to blush and sat down again.
Hermione also scrambled up again.

Some time was still pulled over the Brotherhood. Especially from the children of the convicts.
then Harry returned the general attention to their training.
"So, George, you said you found a charm?"
"Yes, but I have to say, some of the spells we found were more than stupid. one makes you invisible but leaves your clothes visible. So you always have to go naked. Another has no counter-magic and another is limited in time.
The right magic was funnily enough in a household book. it means 'clear view' and should actually serve for cleaning windows. But when the good lady found out how it works, she developed it and invented a counter-spell. "
"Great job, Nev. Is he heavy? "
"No, everyone can use it. that's why I'm wondering why you-don't-why-I mean, did not use Riddle. "
Harry nodded at Neville, smiling. He was glad that the boy literally named his enemy by name.
However, it was Luna who gave the answer.
"I suspect that's exactly why. It is a book for the household. That should hardly interest Riddle. Or can you imagine him swinging his wand to keep his apartment clean? "
General head shaking.
"Okay, then show us how the spell works. We'll have half an hour to finish. "

At Harry's words, the students started immediately. And Neville was right, the magic was simple. Even the first graders did it almost right away. and the counter-magic was just as easy.
At the end of the half hour everybody could really help him. And so it was decided that they would apply it immediately.
To the surprise of Ron and Hermione, Harry also practiced the spell.
When asked why, Harry just said
"It's now an open secret at the school that I have a Invisibility Cloak. And with a magic eye, you can also look through it. I do not want to get caught because Umbridge is running around with just such a thing. "

Before everyone said goodbye, Harry called everyone back together.
"This was a great hour. Please try to keep practicing the spells. But be careful.
I give the prefects, and you Milli, the task of taking care of it. If there are questions, you know how to reach me.
Good, see you next time. "

Harry was very happy with the first lesson and so he started back with Luna.
Both of them had a book for transformation, so as not to arouse suspicion.
the young cat could not wait to tell his husband about today's training.

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