"Then tell him that." Hazel offers.

"Yeah," Monique agrees. "Conversation and all that."

"I feel sort of pushy though." I argue.

"Nico," Hazel begins, "you're not being pushy. In a way it's unfair to you, isn't it? The way he's hiding who he is makes it so you have to do the same. You need to explain to him that this makes you uncomfortable and come to some sort of understand, a common ground."

"Hazel's right." Monique nods. "Will lo-" Monique cuts herself off with a string of abrupt and aggressively fake coughs. I roll my eyes and wait for her to finish with the dramatics. It was obvious what she'd planned to say, but I wasn't about to unpack all of that. Not yet at least.

"You done?" I deadpan when she finishes.

Monique narrows her eyes at me before continuing on with what she'd been saying. "Will... really cares about you, Nico. He'll be willing to come to some sort of compromise."

"Well, I guess I'll talk to him tomorrow morning." I nod as I lay down, pulling the covers over myself. I let out a yelp as I feel a crushing weight land on top of me. "What in the- get off of me Monique!"

"No! You're really gonna wait until tomorrow to talk to him? I say you should act now!"

"Okay, first, get off." She nods and rolls off to sit on the floor. I notice Hazel trying not to laugh on her bed. "Second, he's probably asleep." Monique rolls her eyes.

"No time like the present." Hazel shrugs.

"Alright fine." They mock applaud me as I walk across the hall to Will's room.

I slowly open the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Will's bed is closest to the door, so I tiptoe my way over and quickly slap my hand over his mouth.

His eyes immediately snap open and he looks around wildly before relaxing, realizing it's only me. I jut my head to the side, signaling I want to leave to room and he nods before getting up and heading to the bathroom in the hall. Once I close the door behind us, he dives in. "Why?"

"I know the conversation is over and done with, but I think it would be a little bit of closure if we made a plan on how this was going to work."

"What do you mean?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We plan for now, that you tell your mom about us by the time we leave. But, if you're not ready by then, we can leave, go back to New York, and forget about the whole thing."

Will furrows his eyebrows. "But I thought you wanted me to come out while we were here? Isn't the whole trip for nothing then?"

"The whole trip is about seeing your mom again after all these years, Will. It doesn't matter if you come out or not. I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to do."

He smiles before encircling his arms around my waist. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Shut it." I say, leaning in to kiss him lightly.

He hums against my lips before pulling away and leaning his head against mine. "I still feel like this conversation could've waited until morning."

"Same here." I mutter. "We should get back to bed."

"Join me?" He mumbles almost huskily.

Oh, the things those two words are doing to me.

I take a few seconds to calm myself and make sure my voice won't come out in an embarrassingly shrill squeak. "Maybe another time. I kind of miss sharing a room with my sister."

He nods his head and kisses my temple. "I'll see you in the morning than, angel."

"Alright." I pull away from his comforting grasp and go to open the door when he grasps my hand quickly.

"Do you want to hear a joke?" He asks. I turn around to face him properly. He has this childlike grin fixed on his face so honestly, how can I say no?

"Sure, Solace."

"Okay, what do you call, five Siths piled on top of a light saber?" I shake my head to show I don't know the answer. "A sith-kebab!" He says and starts laughing.

"I have no idea what you just said." I say honestly.

"You know, like Siths." I blink at him. "Shish kebab, sith-kebab."

"I don't know what those words mean."

"You know, like Star Wars!" I shake my head, not understanding. His jaw drops. "Oh my gods. You don't know what Star Wars is, do you?" I shake my head again. "Oh, my poor angel." He says, moving forward to embrace me. I immediately blush and push him off harshly. "What a sad life you must be living."

"I'm going to bed and if you bring this up in the morning, I will kick you." I say before walking out of the bathroom. I hear him sigh behind me and I smile a little as I go to my door, seeing a flicker of movement to my side that's probably Will getting to his room.

Hazel and Monique are already passed out on their beds so I tuck myself in and get ready for a dreamless sleep.


A/N: I was editing with my friend who doesn't know the fandom and she asked me "Why Star Wars?" And literally when I revised this chapter I just finished watching Empire Strikes Back and I was like, "You know what? Will being a Star Wars fan for some reason just makes sense to me, so I'm going to put that in." And that's what I did

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