*Part 2*

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When we reach the outside I finally notice Veronicas outfit. She is dressed in blue jeans and a plain t-shirt. "No dress" I say "your not like how I remember you."
She raises her eyebrows at me and I continue saying "It suits you" because it really does. I then grab my motercycle, put my laptop in my bag resting there and push it alongside us as we walk. "So what high end hotel are you staying at" I ask.
"The red carpet inn" she replies causing me to stop in my tracks. "That's on the Southside" I say.
"Yeah, well after being left nothing from my parents waitress shifts can only afford you so much."

I give her a sad look and she rolls her eyes at me. "I don't want your sympathy" she says slightly aggravated. "Sorry" I say sarcastically but I mean, her parents abandoned her once she turned eighteen and after everything with Archie i really am surprised she even came back to Riverdale.

We walk in silence for a bit before I look at her hand.

"Your married" jughead practically yells. I quickly look to my hand before realising through all the madness I never took my ring off. "Engaged" I reply.
"Like that's any different" he says mockingly before questioning on who the guy is and why he isn't here.
"His name is mark and I called off the engagement before coming here."
He gives me another sympathetic look and I just say "don't."

Before I know it we arrive at her motel. It is only five minutes away from my trailer so I tell her she can come see me anytime. She looks at me as though I don't mean it so I tell her I do and she smiles before saying goodbye and walking through the lobby door.

After getting my key from the front desk I walk up the slanted stairs covered by a gross green carpet to my room. No. 21. The room is about as small as my bathroom in my house I share, no shared with Mark and part of me starts to wonder if this was a mistake. I think of perfect mark and me cuddling by the fire before I sigh and slump down against the wall. The last time I was alone was when I had just moved to New York five years ago, I had met mark only a couple months later.

All of a sudden I am overwhelmed with my emotions and I start to feel tears falling down into my hands. It feels as though my finger is burning and relief washes over me as I chuck my ring across the room. Once I calm down I stop crying put the ring in my bag and start to unpack.

After the door shuts and Veronica has dissapeared into the motel I hop on my moterbike and drive off. I didn't know where I was going until I stood outside betty and Archie's house. It was Alices old house but when Alice went to live with the farm she gave it to Betty. I look up to the window and remember Betty's and mines first kiss before shaking my head and knocking on the door.

Archie opens it after the third knock and I immediately rush inside. "Well just come on in then" Archie says jokingly. I ignore him and run into the kitchen to see betty. "Hi jugh-"
"Veronica's back" I cut over her
"What" Archie says catching up to us in the kitchen. I can't quite read his expression but betty is exited. "OMG" she says slowly. "Just in time, Veronica can come to our wedding and everything."
Archie quickly tries to reason with her saying things like "we haven't seen her in years" and "she's my ex" but betty just replies saying "she's still my best friend" to which Archie can't argue with.
After spending the whole night with them I head off home. As I pass the motel Veronica's staying at I can't help but think back on all the memories we have. Mostly bad, but still, I never truly hated her. Then I think about her ring. Part of me feels jealous but I just say I'm annoyed that she found someone before I did, which is true. She got to escape the madness that is riverdale whilst I'm still stuck here. Although, from everything she said sounds like trouble in paradise.

When I reach my trailer, I slump off to my room to attempt to sleep yet it seems impossible as the raven haired beauty fills my thoughts.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What did you think about Veronica's backstory? More information on that will be uncovered through the story.

Next update will be today or tomorrow.

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