Welcome to The Jungle

Start from the beginning


"Excuse me." Tony said as he squeezed his way through a cow and a wall as he made his way through the market. 

It was a very crowded market. There were people everywhere. They were carrying baskets and hauling wagons. There were small businesses and gift shops. The roads were made of dirt and rocks. There was a lot of noise. 

He pulled his map and looked at it. He didn't see Kamar-Taj anywhere on the map. He looked around, looking a for a display cart that had post cards or maps on them. He entered a store looking for one. 

This store was nice. It had fluorescent lights, and it was organized. It was much more like a convenience store. He looked around, looking around for maps or post cards. he went up to the front desk. 

"Excuse me-" He said, but was interrupted by a man who stormed up to the desk and started shouting at the man behind the desk in a different language. "Never mind." Tony said, walking away from the argument. 


"The Dark Dimension is where Dormammu and Umar were both banished to by the Faltine. It's ruled by Dormammu, who seeks to seize other dimensions to add to his realm. It is home to the ; humanoind extra-dimensional beings naturally adept at manipulating magic." Explained The Ancient One to Stephen as she did motions with her hands, forming a red glow in her hands. 

Stephen stood by her side and copied her motions, summoning the same magic. The mark on his arm began to glow. 

"Anyone who wishes to practice it must have a will string enough to not fall under it's temptation. It should never be used out of anger or to cause harm to anyone." She explained. "If they were to be drawn to it and consumed by it's power..." The windows in the room slammed shut, and the oil lamps burned out. A red glow came from the ground, lifting itself off the ground and floating in front of Stephen and The Ancient One. Things around the room began to float around the room.

"Ah!" Stephen gasped when he felt his arm burning. 

A strong breeze blew in the room, growing stronger. The Ancient One jerked her wrist suddenly and stomped on the ground. Everything stopped and returned to it's place. "...they would never be set free and made a prisoner of darkness forever." She said. 

"But I do not wish to practice it." Stephen told her. "I want nothing to do with it." 

"You don't have much of a choice, Stephen." She told him as the room began to slowly light up. 

"I wanted revenge for what they had done to my friends. I wanted to harm them. I wanted them to feel pain. To suffer." Stephen said, growing angry. He tightened his fists.

"Stephen, calm yourself." The Ancient One told him as she noticed the mark on his wrist begin to glow.

Stephen looked down at his arm. He he eased his hands and took in a deep breath. He let it go after a few seconds. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's alright." She told him. "I know it's overwhelming to have all this power, but you can't help it." She spoke softly.

"But I-"

"I know that you're scared." She told him. "But I will help you. You will learn to control it." She said.


Tony walked around the market, looking for some place where he could get something to eat. He was starving. He didn't know what any of the food around here was, so he wasn't gonna risk eating something he might regret later. He finally came across a produce stand. 

"Oh, thank god." He sighed in relief and ran over to it, laying his eyes on the most beautiful apples he had ever seen. He looked at the sign that was stuck in the middle of the apples. He couldn't read what their value was. The seller told him something, which he didn't understand, so he just handed him a twenty dollar bill and smiled. He walked away with his apple, happy as one could be with an apple. He walked over to a bench near by a wooded area. He was about to bite into the apple, when he noticed a small monkey at his feet. "Oh, hello." He smiled at him. 

The monkey squeaked at Tony. "Would you like some?" Tony asked him. He took out a knife from his pocket and cut a small piece. He offered it to the monkey, but the monkey refused it. "No?" Tony laughed. The monkey jumped on his lap. "Whoa. Aren't you friendly?" Tony tried to pet him, but the monkey hissed at him. "Ah!" Tony gasped, dropping the apple. 

The monkey jumped down from Tony's lap and grabbed the apple, running away with it. 

"Hey!" Tony got up and ran after him. "Excuse me! Watch out!" Tony said, running through people. He pushed them out of the way. "Get back here!" He said. The monkey, squeaked and ran up a tree. "No!" Tony said, running to the tree and slamming his fist against it's trunk. "Today couldn't get any worse." He said. As he said that, it began to rain. "Great." He crossed his arms and stood in the rain. 

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