Chapter 19: Losing me

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So, what do you wanna do? *kristen wipes her eyes* Can you take me to his mothers house please? *bill starts the limo back up* No, problem kristen.. *driving up to Katherine's house, michael is blowing kristens phone up, texting her saying, {My intentions are never to hurt you}, {Girl I love you with all my heart}, {Please come home}, {I can't stop thinking about you}, {Are you still my girl?} *kristen reads all the messages but doesn't reply*

*arriving to Katherine's house*

Hey bill, do you wanna stay here and wait or...? Um, I think I'll stop at the bar for awhile and come back.. Ok, that's fine *kristen walks up to the door and knocks, Katherine answers* Kristen?? *katherine says in her angelic soft voice* Hunny is everything ok? *kristen shakes her head no* Come in, come in *katherines motions kristen in* I'm sorry I came over at such a random time *kristen sits down on the couch* But I just needed someone to talk to.. *princess runs downstairs* Mommy?? *princess says* Go back upstairs hun, mommy has to talk to grandma for alittle bit *katherine says walking princess back upstairs* Now, kristen tell me what's going on.. *katherine says while coming downstairs* It's Michael.. *kristen says* Michael? Is he ok? Is something wrong with you two? *katherine asked curiously* I love him so much *kristen begins to cry, and covers her face, katherine looks at her hands and notice her ring missing* Dear. where is your wedding ring?

I took it off.. *kristen said looking up* Oh no..... Kristen this is not the answer to anything.. You cannot leave michael.. *katherine reaches to touch kristens hand* He loves you too much..

Katherine, Michael... Has changed... I mean, this is not the Michael I fell in love with ya know? *kristen wipes her tears with her finger, katherine reaches over to give her a tissue* Katherine, I seriously don't know what to do anymore.. I think I'm gonna leave michael and take princess with me to London, because I seriously cannot deal with his mood swings.. I can't! *katherine shakes her head* He's scared to lose you sweetie *she tells kristen* What do you mean he's scared of losing me? *kristen asked confused* Michael is scared to lose you, he's so scared that he's doing any and everything he can do, to try to keep you here with him, but in reality he's running you off. *kristen puts her head down* and hunny it doesn't help at all when your living in another country.. I feel that michael feels that he's already lost you...

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