Chapter 13: Lovers

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*janet, Michael,fallon, kristen, and Jermaine are sitting infront of the fireplace sipping tea* This tea is so good michael, so warming *kristen says looking at michael* Come here *michael says, and kristen goes and sit on his lap, and the two start to talk and cuddle* This fire is so beautiful.. *fallon says* The fire is not the only thing that's beautiful here *jermaine comments back, and he wraps his arms around fallon, she begins to blush* Ok, thanks guys for making me feel lonely, and desperate *janet says, and Chris tucker walks over to janet* Baby, baby, baby... If you really wanted me all you had to do was ask *chris said putting his arm across Janet's shoulder* And that's why I never asked, excuse me *janet gets from under his arm, and walks away* Ok michael I'm gone, I love you guys *janet tells michael and kristen* We love you too! *they say* And nice meeting you Fallon *janet says shaking her hand* No, nice meeting you.. *janet leaves* Alright man, ima head out too, *chris says, and he shakes up with michael* Ok bro, stay up *michael told him* Babe, I'm getting tired ima go upstairs ok? *kristen tells michael, she gets off his lap* Alright baby girl I'll be up there soon *they kiss, and kristen goes upstairs* She's sleepy? *fallon asks michael* Yea, she's alittle worn out .. *fallon yawns* Shes not the only one.. Ok big mike, me and fallon about to go out to dinner or something, hit you up tomorrow? *jermaine says* Yea man, just let me know what's up *michael and Jermaine hugged* Thank you Michael, for everything *fallon says, and she kisses Michael on the cheek* No problem fallon *michael shuts and lock the doors, then goes upstairs*

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