„We don't, and that's why we have one...two...three kids.", he said, holding the baby girl in front of you before pressing her to his chest again and giving her a kiss. „Well, though Nari was not a result of your closed door."

„Still, I did carry her inside my body. Just like our other children."

He looked at you a little confused and you laid his hand on your stomach.

„Not there..." You guided his hand upwards, right to your heart. „But here. And that's also why I know that she's smart and responsible."

Kyungsoo hung his head in frustration and you could see that he was slightly blushing.

„You mom's being cheesy again.", he said to your baby girl, his lips curling into a smile. But he knew you were right and also that he found you pretty adorable. „Let's bathe you."

„Cheesy ? Who's cheesy, hm ?", you said and clung onto his shoulders from behind as he made his way to the bathroom.

„Let go, you sticky butter ! Ah...Y/N, stop it.", he said with a smile as you placed kisses on his face. But you just laughed.

Kyungsoo and you sighed in relief since you had a lot of time to bring your baby girl to bed. You sat on the couch next to Kyungsoo who was already lying down, trying to rock her to sleep. But she looked too excited.

„ Do you want to hear a bedtime story ? I'll tell you one, okay ?"

Kyungsoo turned to you, his eyes still half open.

„ Once there were a princess and a prince. They were made for each other. But life prepared a long way for them. With lots of obstacles. The prince had a beautiful voice and the whole kingdom wanted to hear it. It was difficult for them to see each other. So they searched for love in different places, but didn't find it. They kept missing each other. You could really say that was one naive prince."

„ Excuse me ?", Kyungsoo mumbled and hugged you from behind.

You laughed.

„Go on, Love.", he said impatiently.

„ However... when they finally confessed to each other, the princess got really sick. And just when she knew she would be okay the prince had a terrible accident and was close to death. He fell in a deep sleep that lasted various months before he finally woke up. But against all odds they made it through. Because they had always been there for each other. They fell hopelessly in love. And they had you, my sweet darling."

Kyungsoo kissed your head and continued the story.

„ And they lived happily ever after. Well I mean of course they had their ups and downs and fights - I really wouldn't mess with this princess - and life doesn't always work out perfectly, but mainly..."

„Kyungsoo, you're making things up again !"

You heard the baby giggling.

„ Won't you sleep ?", he asked. „Should Mommy sing for you ?"

„ I'd rather hear you singing."

„ Fine, I'll sing something baby suitable."

„ And what ?"

He began humming a melody you knew too well.

„You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you"

He pulled you closer and it made you laugh.

„ That song ?"

„I love you baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you baby"

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