Alternative ending

Start from the beginning

„ Why would you be mad ?"

„ You told me that mommy knew that she would die. But if she knew she wouldn't be there for me... why did she have me ?"

„ Because we wanted you so much... Chinhae-yah. When she knew that she didn't have much time left, I asked her if she wanted to travel the world and do crazy things. But she didn't want that. She wanted you. And so did I. She loved you so much..."

„ She did. And I love you too... little butter."

Kyungsoo turned around when he noticed Nari standing behind him with Junsu. She sat down next to Chinhae and cuddled him.

„ You'll always be our little piece of butter. Just like your mum."

„ It still hurts.", Chinhae mumbled.

„ I know... Daddy's hurting too, Chinhae. But as we talk about her it feels like she's with us."

„ We could tell you so much more stories about her. Everything you want to hear.", Junsu said with a smile. „ Wait... I have an even better idea."

Kyungsoo hadn't made it to watching this video since the day you had passed away. It had always been too painful and in the end it had been forgotten in a box together with some other personal memories that were related to you. But Nari got it down from she shelf and nodded as she placed the box next to Chinhae and took the video tape out. They were all sitting in front of the screen.

You were smiling into the camera, holding Chinhae while he patted the cookie dough on the table with his small hands.

„ That's your mother.", Kyungsoo said while hugging his son.

„ You have to kneed it, Chinhae-Yah!", The twelve-year-old Nari said.

„ It looks delicious !" Kyungsoo said. „ You'll sure become a hobby chef like daddy."

„ Hey, Kyungsoo! He'll become whatever he wants to be !"

Kyungsoo laughed and placed a kiss on your cheek.

„ Chinhae-yah. Smile for us.", you said while hugging him.

Kyungsoo was trying to make funny faces and Nari played with his hands, but Chinhae just gave them curious looks.

„ Should daddy sing for you ?", you asked. „You know that his voice sounds really nice."

She began humming a melody which Kyungsoo new too well and started to sing.

„But if you feel like I feel.

Please let me know this is real.

You're just too good to be true."

„Can't take my eyes off you.", Kyungsoo joined you. Chinhae started laughing happily.

„ Daddy, are you crying ?", the four year old Seokjin asked when Kyungsoo wiped away some tears.

„ A little."

„ You're still very sad about mommy, aren't you ?"

„ I'm rather happy than sad.", Kyungsoo said and pulled the little boy closer to him.

„ Why ?"

„ Because we all had the chance to meet her. And to love her."

„I love you baby

And if it's quite all right

I need you baby"

„ Now I know why you quit singing on stage daddy."

„You do ?"

„Because mommy's voice sounds way prettier than yours."

Kyungsoo laughed.

„I love you baby

Trust me when I say"

„ I love you, dad.", the fifteen-year-old Nari said and leaned her head against Kyungsoo's shoulder.

" I love you too, Princess."

„Oh pretty baby

Don't bring me down I pray

Oh pretty baby

Now that I've found you stay

And let me love you, baby

Let me love you..."

Chinhae took of the old magazines out of the box and opened it at some random page. He drew a mustache on some idol's face. Then he noticed Kyungsoo looking at him.

" What, Daddy ?", he asked.

And when Chinhae turned around to look at him, Kyungsoo felt like he could see your face right in front of him, giving him a smile. And he smiled back.

" Nothing."


„ It would mean he's the only one I want to spend my life with. Till the day I die.", you said, holding your beer-can in the air. " You're not recording this right now, are you?"

" No, why should I ?", Kyungsoo said and secretly tapped the stop button.

He took your beer away from you.

„ Okay, that's the cheesiest and most disgusting thing I've ever heard. No more beer for you.", he said.

„ Give it back ! I'm sixteen now, I can drink as much as I want! You know what ? You're the only person I'd never fall in love with."

His expression became more serious.

„Wait... you're not hurt right now are you ?"

„ No, I'm just watching that bug on your face."

„ What ? Where is it ??"

You started moving around panically, but he placed his hand on your head.

„ Hold still. It's really small. You better close your eyes before it goes in there."

You shut your eyes tightly.

„ Then take it away."

You suddenly felt his lips on yours. A giant firework rushed through your body. An electricity you never thought you were able to feel. You kissed him back and it seemed like the most natural thing on earth.

You wondered if he felt it too...

~The End~

Yes, I admit it. This is the very first ending that was actually supposed to happen before I changed my mind. As you can see there are some parallels. Well, now you know ~

(And I did not check this well, so is the name of Kyungsoo's son is Seokjin once or twice just ignore it. Lol.)

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