You were still breathing hard. He walked over to you and hugged you.

„ I know it, Y/N. I know everything. You stupid girl. You're so stupid !"

Your felt your knees giving in as your body lost its strength. But Kyungsoo immediately caught you.

„ Y/N, What's wrong ? I'll take you to the hospital."

„ No... please don't...", you whispered. „This happens every few weeks. I'm used to it. M-my body will lose its strength for some time, but after a few minutes I'll be okay."

„ What can I do ?"

„ Just take me away from here."

A few minutes later you found yourself at a lonely beach. Since you were still to weak to walk he was carrying you in his arms while walking along the water.

„ You changed your phone number. You didn't write. Everyone refused to talk to me about you this whole year."

„ They had to make a promise. For me."

„Was it really okay for you to die without seeing me again ? To hide your feelings for the sake of not hurting me ? Y/N... How can you just love me so much ?"

„ Kyungsoo... That's a big misunderstanding... I don't love you."

„How are you just going to leave me..."

He knelt down, gently placing you on the sandy ground and pulling you close to him. He was sobbing. Tears were forming in your eyes as he stroked your head.

„ You can't leave me."

„ I told you that I... don't love you. I don't love you..."

You buried your face in his shoulder as you started crying.

„ Don't you get it ? I don't.... love you."

„Shh...", he said. „ You're so stupid."

"I just don't love you. I just.... love you. I love you.", you finally said as your thoughts turned into words by themselves.

„ I love you, Do Kyungsoo. I have loved you my whole life."

You remained in this hug for a long time and you two were soon to exhausted to cry. But you were strong enough to pull back and look him in the eyes.

„ I know that there's not much time left.", he said. „But even one day with you by my side is enough to fill my whole life with happiness. I don't care about anything else. I just want to be with you. And if you want to be with me... I..."

You kissed the spot right under his eye. It was a light, but long and very soft kiss. When you pulled back he looked as if he wanted to say something. But he just stared at you.

It would mean that he's the only one I want to spend my life with.

„ Till the day I die.", you said.

You stroked his cheek.

„ You know... all this time I tried to forget about you. Instead I had to watch how my feelings for you became stronger with each day. No matter how hard I try... I can't stay away from you. You're the only thing I need to be happy."

With shaky legs you stood up and he helped you, smiling when he saw that you were getting better.

„ Right now, I'm asking you to be with me Kyungsoo. And I want you to think about your answer. Because once you say yes you can't go back. I will love you endlessly. And sincerely. Till the day I die."

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