Percy Jackson x Reader (Amnesia) Part 2

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"Y/n, are you ok? This doesn't happen when a demigod has nectar and ambrosia." I tried to reply but I began to fall unconscious. Within a few seconds, I was unconscious and started to have a dream.


I was walking around a white room, trying to find anyone or anything. After a few minutes, I saw a two woman sitting and it looks like they were waiting for someone. I got the feeling that they were waiting for me. I walked over to them, but before I said anything I had bowed to them just in case they were Gods. I didn't want to offend any of the Gods. I had a look at the Gods and I could feel a powerful aura coming from one of them. The other makes anyone jealous just by looking at her. She has perfect hair, her make up is done perfectly and she looks, well perfect.

"My lady's, may I ask who you see and why are you here?" The one with the powerful aura had replied.

"Dear y/n, my name is Hera, Goddess of Marriage and wife of Zeus who is God of the Sky. This person beside me is Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty. We are here specifically to see you. As you can tell, you have had your memory wiped and the person who did it was me (I was shocked at this part. I can't believe Hera had wiped my memory) I see that you're shocked, which is understandable. But I have a good reason why. You see, who you were before was someone who was evil and wanted to bring us and the other Olympians, as well as Mount Olympus, down and see it crumble and left in piles of ashes. I wasn't going to let that happen so I did something about it. I know all about your life and how you grew up with evil things every day which you had grown accustomed to, like you had to be evil as well. I've given you a chance to start a new and choose your own path."

"So basically, who I was before you wiped my memory was someone who was evil and you thought that I didn't want to be that person, so you gave me a chance to start a new?" Hera nodded her head at this. Ok, so I know who and why had wiped my memory. It also explains why Hera is here with me now. But what about Aphrodite?

"So I know why you're here Hera, but what about you Aphrodite? Why are you here with Hera?"

"My dear, I also know about who you used to be, in fact all of the Olympians know about you and also what Hera had done. The reason I'm here is because, well because of love. You see, the person who you use to be was someone who had a cold heart, who wouldn't open up to anyone outside of her family to love. There was one boy who you could be fallen in love with, but you both had a smell casted on you to not fall on love and remain best friends. You also didn't want to find love because of your family and is thought that love would ruin your plans for the downfall of Olympus and Olympians. Hera has given you a fresh start, but I'm also giving you a chance at love. You might not release, but you do in fact have feelings for someone. It may take some time for you to release, but all I'm saying is that I'm giving you a chance to experience something you have never experienced before. Love can be a weakness, but it can also be a strength. Just remember, or it might be to late." So to soups it up, Hera is here and said that she was the one to wipe my memory to give me a fresh start and Aphrodite is giving me a chance at something that I have never experienced before and apparently never wanted to. I wanted to find out more answers, but they began to fade. Hera had said,

"It seems that you're waking up y/n. Don't forget what we said. Goodbye and may you choose what's right and what matters most in the end."

End of dream

"Y/n! Thank the gods you're ok."

When I had awoken, I saw Percy sitting in the chair beside the bed I was lying on and when he saw that I was awake, he sighed in relief. He came over and gave me a hug which I gladly returned. To be honest, it felt good to be near him and feel the warmth from him whenever we touch. These feelings that I feel for Percy, I have never experienced before and I intend to find out what they are.

"How long was I out for?"

"A couple of hours. When I heard that you were unconscious, I came over straight away. When I found out that the nectar and ambrosia had made you fall unconscious, I rushed over straight away to make sure you're ok, though I don't know why the nectar and ambrosia made you fall unconscious. It always helps demigods with their injuries, I'll talk to Chiron about it later. I'm just glad that you're ok." I didn't say anything back, all I did was hug Percy. I'm truly touched about the kindness he has shown me and that he cares about me and my well being. I don't think anyone has ever treated me this way. I'm starting to remember and I can see that no one has cared for me the way Percy does. The little things he does for me touch my heart and I'm so glad I have someone like him.

But one question remains. Have I fallen for the son of Poseidon?

Only time will tell.

Heroes of Olympus x Reader One Shots (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora