Chapter 17 - It ripped like a paper target

Start from the beginning

She stays back, watching the area, waiting for the bots. Her crew would be a little bit longer as they are going to be mapping out a plan. The bots don't have a lot of time, but if they can quickly get in and get the con while its surprised, they should be able to detain it and leave. Soon a large green and blue vortex opened up in the middle of the opening. While swirling around, Bumblebee, Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock step through. Bee sees the building immediately and tells the other to surround it. Two go in the front and two in the back. Sideswipe barely hears him as he is looking for a special someone.

"Sideswipe! Pay attention." Bee orders.

"But..." Sideswipe starts.

"Yes, I know, but we don't have a lot of time." Bee doesn't wait for him to answer and he runs to the front of the building.

It doesn't stop Sideswipe from taking a look around some more before catching up. Clarissa watches from behind the bush. She wants to jump and run to him. She wants to yell to him, telling him she's here, but it would only cause problems for the team. They need to stay focused on the matter at hand. She watches them surround the building. Bee counts to three and the group charge in. From her location, Clarissa can't see what's happening inside, but she can hear the ruckus its causing. The blasters going off, metal crashing together. One of the spiders runs out of the building. Sideswipe running after it. Clarissa pulls up her weapon and aims at the creepy crawly, just to give Sideswipe the upper hand. She shoots the bug in the leg, her bullet ripping through it.

It screams at the pain of its damaged leg. It even stops Sideswipe, he stares at the damage her bullet caused. Wires hang and dangle with is torn leg. It falls to its side, screaming for help. Sideswipe turns his helm in the direction the bullet came from. There Clarissa stood in shock. Never actually seeing what the new bullets could do. This was her first time ever having to use it. She didn't expect it to rip through the con like that. She only wanted to slow it down by the slight ping it she thought it would make.

"Clarissa?" The question didn't need to be voiced.

"Sideswipe, I...I didn't know...I didn't know it would do that. I was just trying to slow him down." She cried out.

"Just grab him and go. We don't have any time left. Fixit says they are coming. Comm us later Clarissa." Bee yelled.

The rest of the bots came out, trying not to look in shock. They don't know what happened, but they are unsure if they want to know. Clarissa stared as they moved quickly, not even noticing Fixit trailing along after them. The groundbridge opened and they ran through. Sideswipe took one look back at her, his mind running through what just happened. Unsure of what to think. She mouthed 'I'm sorry' to him right before he jumped through. Now she is alone, and pieces of the con lay about in front of her. Not many, but enough to show she got him. But she isn't sure how to feel about it.

"Rave! What happened?" Greggory shouted behind her. She jumped at his voice, shaking herself out of her daze.

Some of the guys ran to where pieces of metal lay. Some ran into the old building, weapons at the ready, not knowing that they are long gone. Though the rocket did get left behind. It is enough evidence to show that she didn't make it up. Along with the scrap metal. She looks at her superior, unsure of what to say at first. So many emotions are running through her mind. She is angry at not knowing what the ammo was capable of, sad that she hurt the con so bad, not that he didn't deserve it, but still. She is confused on what Sideswipe is thinking, hoping he knows its not her fault.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She woke herself from her daydream, almost smacking Greggory in the face with hers.

"What are you talking about?"

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