Chapter Forty-One: Epilogue

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Five years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Petr was 16 and had his first girlfriend, Abraham was 15 and very much into science. I smiled and watched them do their homework in the living room, their brows knitted in concentration. I carried a three-year-old Warren on my hip and his twin sister, Dawn toddled behind us as we made our way to the kitchen where Lew was cooking dinner. Under my tutelage, he had gotten much better. 

Little Moriel, who against all odds survived beyond what anyone expected sat in his chair at the table drawing on a pad of paper I had gotten him for his last birthday. When I received a letter from an orphanage in Germany I was beside myself with emotions. The baby that I had so badly wanted to take with me when we left Landsberg was alive and although he had a hard time walking, I loved him nonetheless. I ran my fingers through his blond hair and set Warren down beside him. Creeping up behind Lew, I kissed his cheek and hugged him around his waist. 

"How're you doing? Warren or Dawn giving you any trouble?" he asked. 

"None at all. They're very well behaved children. Although I might have to teach their father how to behave. You seemed to have forgotten what tomorrow is." 

"You're opening your new practice in town, I remember." he smiled, pecking me on the lips. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, Lew." I smiled and got the boys ready for dinner. "Today was my last day at the hospital." 

Our family dinner went as it usually did. It was delicious, and we chatted quietly among ourselves. I paused and took a look at my family around us. Although it might not seem perfect, I didn't want the cookie cutter family. I wanted my family. All the men from Easy had been dubbed my son's uncles. After all, they were my brothers. I was just clearing the table when our phone started ringing off the hook. 

"Nixon residence, this is Lewis speaking. Can I help you?"

His eyes went wide and he looked to me. 

"They need your help at the hospital. I guess there's something that the surgeon on call can't do and they want you to come in." 

I quickly put down the dish that I was cleaning and rushed to put my jacket on. As I was tying my shoes, Lew came forward with my doctor's bag. 

"Will you ever stop putting yourself before others?" he asked, kissing my cheek.

"Maybe one day, Lew." I winked at him and rushed out the door. 


Lewis and Megan went on to have a whopping amount of five more children after Warren and Dawn. All of them lived to be happy and healthy babies, but sadly Eugene who was only four years old when he passed away due to polio complications. Eight years after they had been married, the family moved out to California where all the boys went on to attend the University of Southern California. 

Meg became a renown surgeon at the UCLA Medical Center. During her tenure, she also became a part-time lecturer at UCLA and the California Military Academy. She never stopped putting others above herself. The boys all kept in touch with their Angel Eyes, and when she sadly passed away in 1994 every living member of Easy attended her funeral. Eight months later in January 1995, Lewis passed away peacefully. Some say it was due to diabetes complications, but others say it was due to a broken heart. They loved each other till the very end. 


a/n: I know it was a short epilogue, but that was what I had planned. As I said before, I cannot believe this is over. It's been such a wild ride. If you enjoyed this so much, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi!

I have enjoyed writing this book so much for everyone. Thank you all for all of the votes and comments and all of the support you've given me along the way. Please go and enjoy my newest BoB fic, "We'll Meet Again" a Babe Heffron x OC! Love you all and CURAHEE!


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