Chapter Three: Finishing Training

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The following morning I quickly got dressed, headed to breakfast, and then afterward to medical. They examined my leg, put some ice on it for a little while, and then gave me some pain medication. I thanked them and then hurried back to my barracks for the notebooks I had for note taking during medic classes. I saw Eugene and Spina heading to class when I rushed up to meet them.

"Hey, Gene-y!" I smiled and walked beside him.

"Hey, Megan! Are you back in class now?" asked Spina.

"Yeah, thank god. I was going to go insane if Sobel kept me in there any longer." I chuckled and settled into my spot at the table.

The day seemed to pass incredibly quickly and I was able to go to medical. They gave me some kind of ointment to rub on it nightly, but other than that they couldn't do much. While the men were running Curahee, I was summoned to Col. Sink's office. Still in my PT uniform, I rushed to dress in my BDU's and get to his office. I was ushered in by an orderly and I stood at attention.

"At ease, First Sergeant. Take a seat."

"Thank you, sir." I smiled and took a seat in front of his desk.

"How are you feeling? Lt. Winters informed me of how your leg was."

"Mighty fine, sir. As you may know, Sobel assigned me to kitchen duty. I ran Curahee in a full kit and that made it worse. However, I visited medical and there wasn't much they could do. I know remedies myself, but we don't have the equipment for me to treat myself. It's alright, though. I kind of just have to wait it out."

"Sobel's been reprimanded for his actions. How have the men been treating you?"

"Very well, sir. Everyone in Easy has been very welcoming. Most of the other companies have been as well, but some still catcall me. It's nothing I haven't dealt with before sir. I'll be okay."

"Go get some rest and just study in the barracks for the rest of the day, alright? Your leg needs to heal before you continue, and I don't mind that you're missing some training. You're more experienced than the men."

"Thank you, sir."

I saluted before leaving, heading back to barracks where I pushed my footlocker forward some to act as a desk. I sat on the end of my bed and poured over my notes, copying them to another notebook where I also drew simple diagrams. The men filed in from evening physical training and I was still absorbed in my work. I read through my notes again, my glasses perched on the edge of my nose.

"Angel! Hey Angel!"

I waved off their shouts and stayed absorbed in my notes until Luz snatched my glasses off my face and started running away with them.

"Luz, goddammit!" I stood from my spot and ran after him.


Luz stopped in his tracks and threw my glasses across the hall to Perconte, who threw them to Malarkey.

"What the hell, guys! I need those! Sink has me just doing classes and studying until my leg is fully healed! Give them back!"

They all continued teasing me and tossing my glasses in between all of them until Lip caught them midair and set them in my hands.

"Thanks, Lip." I smiled and sat back down on my bed.

"What are you studying that hard for, anyway? Don't you already know all this stuff?" asked Luz, sitting beside me with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"There's some new stuff in here as well, and there are tests that I have to pass." I smiled softly, before snatching the cigarette from him.

"Hey! That was my last Lucky Strike!" he complained, trying to snatch it back.

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