Chapter Seven: Carentan

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D-DAY + 2

Once the fiasco with St Marie Du Mont and Brecourt was over, I found myself stuck in the aid station again. With more and more wounded coming in, I found that my tactic of talking and singing to the soldiers calmed them down incredibly. I was finally cleaning my hands after a particularly long shift when another wounded came in with shrapnel wounds to his arm and stomach. I hurriedly got him set up on a table and I went to work.

"Hey there, darling. My name's Megan, but the guys in my company call me Angel Eyes. What's your name?" I asked calmly.

"J-Jacobs, m-ma'am." He stuttered.

"Well hey there, Jacobs. You're gonna be alright. You have a favourite song that you liked to listen to back home?"

I quickly went about removing the shrapnel and cleaning the wounds, listening to him ramble out a hymn he used to sing in church a lot. I smiled while he calmed down enough for me to start stitching him up.

"As I went down in the valley to pray

Studying about that good old way

When you shall wear the starry crown

Good Lord, show me the way

Oh brother, let's go down, let's go down, let's go down

Oh brother, let's go down

Down in the river to pray"

In no time I was finished with his wounds and he was evacuated to a hospital. He was a good kid, I noticed, and had joined for the same reasons I did. His mama was sick and he wanted to help. Many soldiers I came across just wanted to help and serve their country. When they called for volunteers, they felt a sense of duty and answered their nations call. I was very proud to be among them all. Once finished with my duties for the day, I got ahold of some rations and sat against a war memorial lounging in the sun.

"It feels like a hell of a long time since I've seen the sunlight." I chuckled, opening my can of food.

"You've been stuck in the aid station for the past couple days, Meg. Have you even taken a break? Slept?" asked Luz.

"I'm going to tell you the same thing that I told Gene-y. I can sleep when I'm dead." I yawned and took a bite of my food.

"You need to take care of yourself too, Angel Eyes. You treat wounded all day, sing to them, watch over them like a mother would and you don't sleep." Scolded Martin.

"Oh hush, you guys. I'll take a nap now, how's that?"

They nodded back at me, and I rested my head against Luz's shoulder. While dozing off, I listened to the chattering of the men around me. I was almost all the way asleep when Luz hopped up and said:

"Well look who decided to show up!"

My head smacked against the stone of the memorial, and I opened my eyes to blink away the sunlight.

"Thanks a lot, Luz." I groaned.

In front of me stood Talbert, Smokey, Shifty, and Blithe.

"Holy shit." I breathed, standing up and engulfing them all in hugs. "Jesus Christ, thank god you're okay."

"We're glad you're okay too, Angel Eyes." Said Talbert.

I took my seat once again and dozed off, listening to them all compare their spoils of war. Hoobler was going on about how he was going to get his Luger.

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