Chapter Two: So It Begins

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 By the next morning at breakfast, I had met and got to know all the men in Easy. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming. They listened intently, kind of like children at a book reading, to my stories of North Africa and France. Perconte and Guarnere I think were the biggest talkers, and Lipton was one of the most honorable. I especially liked Skip and Liebgott, as well as Doc Roe. I'd be spending a lot more time with the Doc in medic classes. I was excited! I loved learning. That morning I took my first run up Curahee. Through Sobel's scathing comments and insults, all I heard were words of encouragement from Winters and the men that had already warmed up to me. I was incredibly happy to be here. The airborne was where I belonged.

After we got off the mountain it was time for lunch. My leg hurt so much I was limping over to the mess hall.

The damn thing still isn't healed from France. Jesus Christ.

"Sergeant Bonti, are you okay?"

I stopped and turned around to see Lt. Winters striding towards me.

"I'll be okay. My leg wound from France doesn't seem all the way healed, but I'll be okay."

"I'm sorry about that. I'll inform Col. Sink." he said.

"Thank you, sir. I think that I'll be okay though." I smiled.

"Even so, just take it easy for the rest of the day." he smiled and we walked to the mess hall together.

During lunch I sat with Liebgott, Toye, Luz, Guarnere, and Skip. They were my closest friends so far. I was chattering with Liebgott in German when Guarnere interrupted us.

"I noticed you were limping earlier. Were you wounded?"

"Yeah, I was wounded when I was in France. Curahee was rough, but I'll be okay."

"You think they'd let you take it easy for a couple more days since it's still healing. And another thing, why are you in training with us if you already have combat experience?" stipulated Toye.

"Even if I already do have combat experience, I need to keep myself squared away. Lt. Winters is informing Col. Sink later today so we'll see how tomorrow goes. Sobel hates me especially. I could tell what kind of man he was the moment I met him." I popped a blueberry in my mouth and scanned the rest of the mess hall.

Winters sat at a table in the back with three other officers from some of the other companies. One in particular made me catch my breath. I wasn't sure if I had met this man yet, but I recognized him from the day before. He was the one outside the barracks. A D Company officer, or was he one of ours? His dark brown hair was neatly groomed and his brown eyes seemed to twinkle in the sunlight that streamed through the windows. As if he could feel me staring, he met my eyes and smirked. I winked at him in our silent moment of greeting and went back to my lunch. For the rest of the day I was being pushed through weapons training, medic classes, and I also expanded upon my knowledge of battlefield signals. I was walking back from medic classes my third week there and I was talking with Eugene. He was quiet most of the time, and very stoic for someone his age. However once he got to know me, he opened up a lot more.

"Where are you from, Eugene?" I asked.

"I'm from Louisiana. My dad was all American and my mama was Cajun." he replied.

I smiled to myself.

"Ah, Cajun? Parlez-vous francais?" I asked.

"Oui." he smiled back.

Along the way we chattered in French, Gene smiling the whole time. Eugene entered his barracks and I walked to the next one, grabbing my things I needed to shower. I quickly showered and changed into my sleeping gear. I was about to lay my head down when Sobel burst into the barracks, receiving a salute from everyone.

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