Chapter Thirty-Nine: Congratulations!

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It seemed that after all the anti-Semites from the clinic were cleared out by law enforcement and the university, everything was easy breezy. I didn't have to worry about getting beat or anymore threats coming to my mailbox at work. I could focus on my studies and focus on becoming a better doctor. The boys always sent letters of encouragement, and I kept in special contact with Eugene. I missed him dearly and wished I could still work with him in the hospital once I started my three years of residency. Having someone with his level head in stressful situations that I'd be in as an ER doctor and surgeon would be a god send.

I often sent Geney letters about problems I was facing earlier in the year and the challenges I faced continuing on with my clinicals.

If I know anything about you, you'll be just fine cherie. You have an amazing spirit and a great capacity to love and care for others. I know, and Lewis does as well, that you can do this. Good luck.

Lewis and I were both still dealing with our combat stress, but each day we spent away from triggers and away from the front we got better and better. We could both still react in ways that may startle others, but none were as bad as that day I was shopping with Lewis' mother. I was proud of myself for how I had been improving and couldn't believe that my residency was so close... so close that I could practically taste it. On nights leading up to my final clinical and my large final exam before graduation, I could almost always be found staying up late to study in my office. I had come this far and I wasn't about to fail...


With all the challenges Meg had been facing, she met them head on. She didn't shy away from any hard work and never complained when she had a hard day at work or got a bad grade on a test. (She rarely ever got below an A.) The night before her final exam she had shut herself in her office once again to take care of some studying, and she didn't come out except for a pot of tea and a mug. She spent the whole night in there, and hours later when it was time for bed she was still studying. I poked my head into her office and chuckled softly when I saw what she was doing.

Megan had fallen asleep at her desk, her copy of Grey's Anatomy and notebook open wide. Resting on her chest was one of her other textbooks. She snored lightly, her head resting on the back of her chair. I tried nudging her awake but to no avail, so instead of waking her up I carefully removed the book from her chest and picked her up bridal style. I looked down at her face as I carried her upstairs to bed. Her features were now soft, aside from a couple rugged scars. She looked calm and peaceful, her breathing even and her mind free from any nightmares. I carefully toed the bedroom door open and laid her down on the bed. I made sure to take off her shoes and the robe she was wearing over her pajamas. I set them carefully on her mother's rocking chair that sat in the corner of the room before climbing into bed myself and covering us both up. I cuddled as close as I could to her, hooking an arm around her and moving her head to lay in the crook of my neck. I took a deep breath and sighed happily.

Two years ago I didn't even think that I'd be here with her; I thought we were going to get redeployed to the Pacific theatre. I didn't know that I could love someone as much as I love her! When I have days off from work, I find myself on the porch out back or on the small screened patio reading a book but my thoughts always stray to Meg. Her smile is enough to turn my day around. Even when we were in the midst of battle in Europe, her beauty was so incredibly indescribable, radiant, and transfiguring. She's an angel! The spirit with which she approaches life uplifts me and motivates me to improve in every way, for her. In the aftermath of the war, she gave me such pure and unfounded bliss and joy. She was always a calm and kind listening ear. I love her with my whole heart, and I think it's finally time to start on our next big adventure... together.

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