Chapter Four: Visiting Home and Back to England

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 Aside from the clicking of the tracks, the train was fairly quiet. The men around me chattered together in their small groups. I sat across from Lt. Winters who was writing a letter, and the new Lt. Welsh who was snoozing in his spot. I had my bench to myself and was sat writing in my journal. I was almost to the end of this one, the pages being filled with memories of my past deployment. This time I was writing about how excited I was to be going home.

Dear Diary,

It's been about four years since I've seen my home. Every time that I had leave lined up to go visit, it was taken away from me because of missions. I immediately wrote letters home to my mama to tell her why, for the hundredth time, I would not be home. I hope that she's doing alright. I know that Isaac, Petr, and Abraham will do their best in caring for her. We've been a close-knit family since day one, even more so when Papa went back to Germany.

To this day I still resent that man for everything he had done to mama and my brothers. No matter how bad he was to me, I knew as one of the oldest siblings I had to be strong for my little brothers. I always subtly hoped that during my time in England and France that I would come across him on the battlefield. I never did, but maybe I will this time around.

Lewis is somewhere on the train, probably chatting with some of our men. Despite still being an upper enlisted, I spent a lot of time with our officers. I was glad when Lewis had decided to be my seat partner, even though I constantly blushed when I was around him. I have no idea what's gotten into me. Nobody has ever gotten under my skin like Lew has. Maybe one day something will come of it. Maybe the day this war is over? I don't know. All I know is that I hope Lewis Nixon is in my future.

We've got a while to go still, so I think I'm going to take a nap. Harry is across from me doing the same, as are many soldiers across the car. I'm eager to see my family. I haven't had time to even send a telegram to tell them I'm coming. I'm excited about the surprise.

"Going my way?"

I looked up from my journal as I was closing it to see Nix sit behind Winters.

"Wherever the train takes me." replied Winters, glancing up at me.

"Where do you suppose that is, Dick?" I asked, sitting back.

"I have no idea."

"Take a guess." replied Nix, coming to take a seat beside me.

"Neither of us are intelligent officers, Lew. If we were going to the Pacific, we wouldn't be headed to New York City. We're going to Europe."

"Well being the intelligent officer, I know. But if I told you, I'd have to kill you." Lew leaned closer to Winters.

"You told me, Nix. Haven't killed me yet." I chuckled.

"That's because you're the only one on the train that I like, Meg." he smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"So don't tell me, Lew."

"New York City, troop ship, England. We're invading Europe, my friend." Lew reached for a flask and unscrewed it, holding it out to Winters.

"Since when do I drink?" he chuckled.

"If I thought you'd drink it, I wouldn't offer it to you." Lew leaned back in the seat once more.

"What are you gonna do when you get into combat?" asked Winters, looking back up at him from his letter.

"He has confidence in his scrounging abilities..." I chuckled. "And I happen to know that he has a case of Vat 69 hidden in your footlocker."

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