Chapter Twelve: "Family isn't always blood."

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Over the next few days if I wasn't working on my mountain of paperwork I could be found harassing my supply sergeants and officers to restock my aid station. I once again wasn't getting the requisitions I required and I chalked it up to Sobel doing it somehow to piss me off from wherever he is. After spending hours spent badgering them for my supplies, I left the building with my head held high, crates in my arms. I distributed supplies to Spina and Roe, giving them orders to hand out the rest to other medics.

Arf! Arf!

My head shot up from the picnic table I was sitting at to see Tab job in with a German Shepherd on his heels. I immediately got up from my seat and knelt before him. 

"Well hello, liebling!" I smiled, ruffling his fur. 

The dog jumped into my lap, licking my face and neck whilst happily yapping.

"Where'd you find this sweetheart, Tab?" I asked.

"He just started following me last night, Angel."

I smiled at the pup as it followed Tab across the barn. I settled down in my seat next to Winters who was cleaning his weapon. I pulled out my journal and ruffled through the pages. Most of them were filled and tattered, and only a few were left. I dialed out all that was happening around me and settled down to write a letter home to my family. I was torn away from the letter when the door banged open.

"Alley's hurt! We need Angel!" shouted Liebgott 

The patrol came bursting in with a terribly wounded Alley. I threw my journal aside and shouted for them to put Alley on the table. I pushed back my hair and sleeves while already assessing his wounds. I cleaned my hands and went to work.

"Someone get Doc Roe. I need him." I said. "Heya, liebling. It's gonna be okay, Alley." I cooed, taking out my small flashlight and checking his pupils.

"Where am I? Angel eyes, is that you?" he blubbered. 

"Hey sweetheart. You'll be okay. I promise." I smiled and began to sing as I tended to his wounds. 

In the corner of the room, Liebgott was arguing and I shouted to him.

"Gotty, for the love of god SHUT UP." I shouted. 

I removed bullets and poured sulfa on his wounds and tied bandages. I was working as quickly as possible. The men around me finally quieted and I continued singing to Alley as Lipton called for a squad to assemble. Geney finally arrived and once again checked on Alley's eyes. 

"Hi Alley. We've got you." 

As Geney went to town, I took Alley's hand and looked into his eyes. 

"Angel Eyes? Is that you?" he whimpered. "Angel, I'm scared." 

"It's me, Moe. You're gonna be okay, fella. I've got you." I soothed, kissing his forehead.

After we had taken care of Alley, I wiped my hands on my coat and breathed heavily. 

"I'm sick of seeing my family all torn up, Doc. I'm tired." I whispered.

"I'm taking Spina to go with me. Get some rest, okay?" 

"I don't know if I can, Geney..." I frowned and plopped down on the barn floor. 

The dog, now named Trigger, sat next to me and laid his head in my lap. 

"I miss home but we can't go back yet Trigger. We have to stick with our family till the very end." I smiled softly.


Major Horton was dead and subsequently, we lost Captain Winters. When I found out, my stomach dropped. We had Winters from the very beginning and he was an incredible leader. I wasn't looking forward to battling with whatever commanding officer we were getting next. When we got Lt. Heyliger, I was relieved. Not only was he a Toccoa man, he truly cared about all of us. Given time I believed he would come out just like Winters. 

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