Chapter Five: Aldbourne, England

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When Easy made it to Aldbourne, I was relieved. No matter how many times I was on a boat or a ship, I hated it. I'd rather be in jeeps or trucks. Even walking, if I had to. The town itself was beautiful and I was looking forward to the time we spent here, even if Sobel was still breathing down our necks. I settled into the small aid station we had set up. For the most part, I treated cuts and scrapes that the soldiers received in their training. If I wasn't teaching the medics under me, I was teaching First aid courses to the other men.

"Shrapnel wounds are complicated to care for. If the trooper next to you has shrapnel wounds, DO NOT REMOVE IT. You will want to pull it out. DON'T. Don't use direct pressure on the shrapnel wounds, either. For the most part, shrapnel wounds don't bleed very much. The best thing you can do is put sulfa on it and put a loose dressing on it. Both can be found in your aid kit." I took out the sulfa packet and dressing respectively.

I left the men to write notes and examine the contents of their aid kits.

"I think these first aid kits are fucking ridiculous. If I get hurt, the medic is gonna be there. I shouldn't have to worry."

"Private, the basic first aid skills that I'm teaching you will be extremely important. On a battlefield, medics might not get to you right away. It is imperative that you know these basic skills. With them, you might very well save someone's life. If you apply something incorrectly, use too much morphine, you could kill someone." I scolded.

The rest of the day went on smoothly. I taught my first aid classes, treated minor cuts...

Same shit, different day. I thought.

Halfway through the day, I was summoned to go on a practice mission with Easy. I stood at the front with my helmet on, listening as Col. Sink spoke.

"We'll then maneuver right in through these trees at the same time as our 2nd platoon in this particular case, moves over here. He's then gonna close and kill or capture that German."

As the rest of the men assembled, I readied myself to stick with Winters. Once we were off, I was keeping my focus on the mission ahead of me. I made sure my med bag was stocked and soon we were running across the field. Winters motioned for Guarnere to go a certain way, and I followed Winters. I crouched behind the hedge and faced Lipton and Winters.

"Sobel's late." said Winters, looking at his watch.

We waited for a few more minutes before he looked at his watch once more.

"We have to move." he whispered.

"Sir, without Captain Sobel and 1st platoon?" replied Lipton.

"It's a T-Intersection. We're going to improvise." I said.

"Exactly what Sgt. Bonti said. Double envelopment, lay down a base of fire to cut the road in all directions. Hook right with 1st squad, tell Guarnere to move left with 2nd. We'll be right up the middle with 3rd. Go."

With Winters' plan set, we soon put it into action. It was easy enough. Winters is a good leader. It's nice to have one of those for a change. I watched over the men as they made it to their spots, and followed Winters. In the middle of the road, an older gentleman stood with his bicycle. Slightly out of breath, he looked at the paratroopers surrounding him, and then at the both of us.

"You've done it now, Yanks. You've captured me." he raised both of his hands up.

I chuckled and looked down the road to where I could see Sobel leading his platoon. I sighed. A little late, don't you think?

"Hi-ho, silver!"

Ah, jesus christ.

"Would that be the enemy?" asked the man.

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