Chapter Six: Day of Days

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 Upottery was certainly a change from the small town of Aldbourne. Instead of rolling hills and a beautiful town center, I spent most of my time in the aid tent and near the airfield. Between regular training jumps, marching, and making sure all the medics were squared away, I felt like I was being driven up the wall. Something is coming. I was continuously stretched thin with all my duties and tried to see my brother as much as possible. Nix himself was also busy, and I sometimes found it hard to focus. Whenever I had a spare moment my thoughts would always drift to him. I hope he's alright... Later that day I saw him for the first time in days. I was up front next to Winters listening in on his lecture.

"The estuary of the Douve river divides two beachheads. Code-named Utah, here, and Omaha, here. Seaborne infantry will hit these beaches in force at a date and time to be specified. H-Hour, D-Day. Airborne's objective gentlemen and... lady is to take the town of Carentan thus linking Utah and Omaha into a single continuous beachhead."

I chuckled to myself and studied the sand tables. Later in the day, I attended the same lecture with my medics, this time with Meehan speaking.

"Each trooper will learn this operation by heart and know his and every other outfits' mission to the detail."

"Lt. Meehan?"

"Yes, Dukeman?"

"Sir, are we dropping tonight?" asked Dukeman.

"When it's time for you to know, we'll let you know. In the meantime, study these sand tables, maps, and reconnaissance photos until you can draw a map of the area by memory. Now we will drop behind this Atlantic wall five hours before the 4th Infantry lands at Utah. Between our assembly area and the battalion's objective, there is a German garrison right here in this area- St. Marie Du Mont. Easy Company will destroy that garrison."

Things are about to get reaaallll busy. I thought.

"Master Sergeant Bonti, you have something to say?" asked Meehan.

"Yes sir, thank you, sir."

I stood from my chair and hopped up to the small platform Meehan was stood on.

"First things first gentleman, take out your aid kits right now and make sure they're fully stocked. If not, I want you to come to the aid station after this lecture! Medics, make sure your kits are fully stocked and you have enough morphine and plasma. This is by far one of the largest military operations that has ever happened. Be prepared. That is all."

I took my seat and Meehan went over a few more things before dismissing the lecture. As soon as I was out of the building, I was answering questions and giving directions as best I could.

"I'm headed back to the aid station now, guys. If you have something missing from your aid kit meet me there." I nodded to everyone and started to jog off.

I was in my head thinking about the mission and my supplies when I ran straight into someone.

"Woah woah woah, Meg. Where's the fire?"

I looked up and smiled meekly.

"I'm sorry, Lt. Winters. I'm just hurrying back to the aid station to take care of some aid kits and the medics satchels. If your aid kit isn't stocked come and see me. Tell that to Nix, too."

"Yes ma'am." Winters jokingly saluted me and I jogged back to the aid station.


By the time the whole battalions aid kits were stocked and all the medics were squared away, I spent my time pouring over the mission details. When I was finally finished with all of that, I felt like I would explode. Instead of heading back to my tent, I stuck my garrison cap on and ambled through the buildings and tents until I found my way to the small chapel we had on base. Our chaplain was occupied elsewhere, so I just took a seat in one of the makeshift pews and sighed.

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