"Where is he?" Tony's voice cut in.

"He's..." He looked around the ventilation. He spotted some engraving on the ducts. "Corridor five, room two."

"Is Stephen with him?" Tony asked.

T'challa kept looking. "I can't see anything. The panel isn't big enough. I can only see Timothy."

Tony groaned.


"He's there. I hear him." T'challa said.

"How is he? Can you tell?"

"He doesn't sound very good." T'challa said.

"Okay, stay where you are. We're on our way." Steve said. "Wait on my signal."

"I'll keep you updated-Argh!" T'challa groaned as he felt electrical pulses rush throughout his body. Everything was going black. He sighed and fell limp in the ducts.

"No, you don't." Said a voice behind him.



Timothy looked up at the ceiling as he heard a thud. He looked back down at Stephen and smirked. "There goes one of your friends." He told him.

"Please stop! Don't hurt them!" Stephen yelped.

"They'll drop like files." Timothy chuckled.


"Why does it have to be so dark in here?" Bruce asked, following the sound of his friends' footsteps in order to keep up with them.

"Everett deactivated the whole thing." Steve said. "Where to?" Steve asked Everett.

Everett looked down at a small device on his wrist. "Left."

Bruce tried his best to listen to his friends. He felt his foot get caught on something sticky. "Urgh." He groaned and looked down at it. It was a green slime. "What the-"

Suddenly a hand covered his mouth, and a sharp pain took place in his neck.

"Mph!" He made a muffled scream.

"Hm?" Thor turned around. "Ban-" Something sharp hit him in the back of his neck. "Ah!" He hissed. He removed it. It was a small dart, which had an empty cylinder that held liquid, which had gone in his system. "Banner..." Thor gasped when his knees gave up on him, and he hit the floor. His vision was getting blurrier. All he could see was Bruce's blurry imagine being dragged away by a dark figure. "Bruce..." He stretched his hand out to him before everything turned black.


"T'challa." Steve said into the earpiece. He got nothing. "T'challa come in." There was nothing. "I'm not getting anything from him." He told everyone.

"T'challa come in." Everett said into his piece.

"Do you think he was taken?" Tony asked.

"Timothy could've trapped him." Bucky said.

"Bruce, Thor. Are you two getting anything from him?" Tony asked pressing his earpiece.


Clint raised a brow. Wait a minute...that wasn't Bruce's or Thor's voice. He quickly turned around, with an arrow ready to shoot. A dark figure behind him waved at him. "Ah!" He gasped.

The figure took his arrow out of the bow and away from his fingertips, and used it against him. Clint felt electric pulses throughout his body from his arrow. "Tony-"

The figure stuck something to his back, which lifted him away into an open duct and away from the group.

Everyone turned around to the sound of Clint. He wasn't there. Neither were Thor and Bruce.

"Where did-" Suddenly a panel in the wall flipped, taking Everett with it and closing back up. There were muffled screams from Everett, which eventually quieted.

"Holy shit." Bucky said.

"What the fuck?!" Tony gasped.

"Guys, guys." Steve said. "Calm down. We need to stay focused."

"Focused?" Tony asked. "Steve, the wall just fucking ate Everett. We're dropping like flies." Tony said. "He knows. Timothy knew we were coming. He's knows we're here."

Suddenly the lights flickered on.

Steve, Bucky and Tony squinted, trying to adjust to the light.

"Ah." Steve groaned. He looked down the hall. He saw a figure. It was dressed in black and had red shoulder lengthen hair. His eyes widen. "Run." He said.

"What?" Bucky looked at him, rubbing his eye.

"Run!" Steve pushed Tony and Bucky.

Tony looked back. It was Natasha. "What the hell?" He asked. She threw small silver balls at them.

Steve quickly jumped in front of them, holding up his shield, protecting them from explosions that came from the small balls. "RUN!" Steve told them.

Bucky and Tony ran. They heard Steve throw his shield. He grunted shortly, and everything went quiet.

Well, except for the sound of heels chasing them.

"Where did T'challa say they were?" Bucky asked.

"Corridor five, room two." Tony said as they ran. He looked back, only to see Natasha gaining. "Fuck!"

Bucky turned around and saw her. He threw a dragged toward her. She jumped in the air, doing an acrobatic flip and landing on a knee. She looked up at him. "Shit."

The two continued running.

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