She eyed him. "Don't fucking play with me Jungkook. I will blow off your fucking head"

Seeing how serious she was, he walked out of the shop aware that Lisa was pointing a gun at him underneath her long coat.

They both entered into her truck parked across the road and Lisa made him drive while she sat on the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?"

"You want to see your precious Jimin don't you. Well you two can be together one last time before I kill you both"

"I have done this for so long to know when I'm about to be betrayed"

Jungkook listened quietly driving as she directed.

"Once I'm done with the two of you, I'm leaving this god forsaken country"

"Lisa, think about what you're doing very well before you do something you'll regret"

She laughed hard "Regret? You have no idea the things i have done. You and Jimin are just a walk in the park compared to all the terrible things I've done before"

"But i was going to change for my Tae love but Jimin had to just stand in my way"

She pouted her lips and now more than ever, he regretted having anything to do with this crazy witch.

The truck finally stopped in front of an abandoned building. They got down and she made him walk  up the steps to the second floor. They reached the room at the end and Lisa began to laugh sarcastically.

"Jimin, I brought a friend for you. I'm sure you're going to be really happy with this" she shouted.

She pushed open the door with her foot and there Jimin was, staring at them. Jungkook couldn't believe how much Jimin had changed in just two days.

"Jungkook?" He whispered in a frail voice. His lips were chapped and he looked dehydrated.

"Sit!" Lisa said pushing Jungkook towards the chair beside Jimin. He sat and she tied him up. Once the rope was strong and secure she smiled contentedly.

Jungkook looked at Jimin. He felt so sorry for him and guilty for being partly responsible for causing the one he claimed to love so much pain.

"I'm sorry Jimin"

Jimin sighed "It's okay Jungkook"

Jungkook shook his head "It's not okay Jimin, I hurt you. I caused you so much pain..."

Jimin laughed and soon his laughter turned into fits of coughs. "Does it matter now? She's going to kill us and keeping grudges with you right now" He coughed "Is meaningless...."

His head suddenly dropped. Jungkook looked at him scared. His shirt was stained with blood and there were long whip marks on his neck.

"Jimin!" Jungkook yelled.

Jimin looked at him "I only wanted to see Tae one last time. I guess that will never happen now"

"Yah pabo, open your eyes. You're going to see Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled louder but his eyes kept closing. It was clear he was already defeated.


"This isn't fun anymore. I think it's time" Lisa said with a wry smile and aimed the gun at Jimin. Tears began to spill down Jungkook's face.

"Please don't...." he whispered. He closed his eyes and heard a shot. He let out a heavy breath and opened his eyes. Lisa was on the ground groaning in pain while detective Song entered with his men.

He quickly went to Lisa who was bleeding profusely from her leg.

"You're under arrest Miss Lisa Kim for attempted murder and kidnapping
Anything you say can be used against you in the court"

He handcuffed her and pulled her up. She glared at Jimin and Jungkook.

"This isn't over Park Jimin!" She shouted.

"Lady, you're spending the rest of your life in prison" One of the officers said as he gripped her arm harshly and took her out of the room ignoring her cries as she slowly limped out of the room.

Detective Song quickly untied Jungkook.

"You did a great job Jungkook. Your bravery at placing the tracker in her sleeve shirt helped us in getting her"

"I'm not the one who needs the attention here Detective. It's Jimin. I'm afraid he is dying. He's lost so much blood already"

They loosened the rope on Jimin and he fell loosely into Jungkook's arms.

"Kookie, please take me to see Tae. Please just this once" he whispered.

Tears fell down Jungkook's eyes as he held the older tightly. He nodded and Detective Song helped him to piggy back Jimin.

They drove to the hospital in grave silence. When they arrived, Jimin insisted that he wanted to walk on his own and they let him.

Everyone was overjoyed as soon as they saw him. The Parks, the members Mr Bang and their manager, Kim Taesoo and Ji an were so happy. Even the Kims couldn't hide their relief. Seeing Jimin meant that Lisa had been captured.

"She's going to spend the rest of her life in prison. Considering she is an American citizen, she will be tried abroad" Detective Song told them.

The Parks nodded but they where worried by Jimin's look.

"What did she do to you?" Mrs Park cried but Jimin said nothing and just walked towards Taehyung's ward. Mr Kim wanted to stop him but Mrs Kim held him back and he walked inside.

He sat on the chair beside the bed and looked at Taehyung who was lying there as if he were asleep. He grabbed his hand.

"Tae, I'm sorry that i was selfish. I wanted us to leave everything behind and run away but life isn't always like that"

He coughed. "I love you so much. I'm sorry it took a deranged woman like Lisa to come into our lives for me to realize that I'd rather have half of you than none of you"

Jimin didn't realize that everyone had gathered into the room watching him silently.

"So what I'm saying Taehyungah is that I'll wait...I'll wait for you, for us"

The machine began to beep quickly when he felt a light squeeze in his hands. He looked up and Taehyung was there staring at him.

A loud gasp was heard behind them as Taehyung nodded his head with difficulty. The Kims and the Parks stared at each other. Jimin smiled within himself. It was now time to let go. His hands slipped away from Taehyung's and his head slumped on the bed. He saw Taehyung's eyes widen before darkness finally overcame him.

One last chapter to go. Thanks for reading everyone.

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