"i brought a visitor." sehun said, pushing me towards him. i jolted forwards, right in front of him. our feet touch a little, but there is already a little sparkle between them.

the man look up. our eyes lock. my heart felt like exploding. a visible tears suddenly start pooling in my eyes. my heart ache so much.


"amaranth." he cuts me. i fell in front of him. my heart stop beating and my body froze. "wh-what happened ?" why am i crying ? why seeing him like this affected me so much ? why i care so much ?

"WHY IS SHE HERE ?" jungkook shouted to sehun. he starts moving recklessly. "fuck, it hurts like a bitch." he screams, voice deafening.

the chain. the chain with whatever smoke on it is hurting him.

"NO JUNGKOOK STOP MOVING." i screams, gathering all my strength to stand up again. "stop !" i yelled when he refuse. my hands placed on both of his shoulders. felt like a little lightning stroke on the part where out skin touch trough his ripped shirt. "don't touch me, you'll hurt yourself !" he argues. i didn't let go of my hand, "unless if you stop moving." i demand.

"oh my god, you guys seriously having your romantic time even in this situation ?" sehun interrupts, his palm slapping his forehead.

"what happened ? why are we here ?" i asked. "why are you being tied up ? what's with this chain ? why there's a lot of blood covering you ?" i reached to hold his face. my palm touch his skin and i don't care about that little sparkle anymore. his scar is still there, i stroke it softly.

"how do i answer all of it ?" he smiles, the same arrogant smile he'd always has. but this time, his black doe eyes shows nothing but pure sadness and tiredness.

i force a fake smile, slapping his cheeks softly. "why are you so cocky ?" i said. he smirks, shaking his head. "am i ?" his left brow quirks up. i nod.

my eyes goes to his body, "is it hurt ?" i asks slowly, my hand traces down to his shoulder. he nods with a hum. i look up at his eyes, our gaze lock. in that moment, we didn't need to talk. we don't have to explain anything. we just, enjoy our little moments while it last.

but deep down, i don't want this. i want to save him. i want to run away with him, away from whatever hell this is. i want the answers to all of my questions. why am i holding myself ?

"oh my god you are so stupid. he's invading your mind." sehun yells. he steps forward finally. then our silence were stop. tears burst out from my eyes. "he's controlling you. he make you think like this torture is nothing. but in fact, it hurt like a total hell. the spell is hurting him, not only physically, but emotionally too. the chain is locking him from turning to whatever he is. even he is crying, but he make you can't see it."

i look at sehun, then back to jungkook. yes, there was tears on his eyes. his blood aren't a normal blood. it was thick, and almost black. "i'm sorry." is all he said.

"why are you doing this ?!" i asked sehun. "why are you hurting him ?" he laughs loudly, hand goes to caress my face. "don't cry dear, i'm alright." he said. "you supposed to be scare of him, not me. i was your first love. but he took you away from me." he states, letting go of my face to touch my hair.

"you aren't her first love ! she only sees you as friend. you were so confident she will return your love but you were wrong." jungkook corrects. laughing as the thought of i rejected sehun appears in his mind. "you were not and never be her lover. you were a friend but you were stupid. imagine if you never confess. both of you would've still be friends." jungkook adds.

"stop !" sehun yells. "she changed because of you !" he retorts. "it wasn't my fault that i was born handsome." jungkook tease, he wink as i look at him, unbelievable. then my hair was pulled hardly. i screamed, my hands are so close to slapping his filthy hand off my hair. but something is holding me back.

i can't move.

"you fell for him just because he called you with stupid names." sehun pulls my hair again, harshly. he pushed me to the ground, kick me on my back. "it should've been us." he said after a kick. "STOP !" jungkook yells. moving again with a groans.

"are you crazy ?! how do you expect she would end up with you if you're being this abusive ?!" he groans loudly. desperately wanting to untie the chain. "no jungkook, you'll hurt yourself." i huffs tiredly, then another kick was on my stomach. "why do you care so much about him ?" sehun garbles. "because you hurt me ! are you stupid ?" i yells back before another kick placed on my stomach. sehun squats down, his hand engulfing my hair, ready to pull it again.

jungkook moans deeply. his whole body is red, so does his face. red liquid falls from his eyes. blood. "i said..." he stays still for a few second, looking down with his balled fist.


the chain untangled roughly. broke into pieces and splatter everywhere. jungkook is in the air, his head down so does all his body parts. behind him is a huge feather. spread widely, amazingly, stunningly. my eyes shine. "beautiful." i whispers softly.

his wings.

there was no longer blood all over his body. his shirt were replaced with new one so does his pants. his eyes still close, the blood tears crawl back inside his eyes. "let go of her." he commands slowly. his voice is strong and strict.

sehun laughs, pushing my head hardly that i fell to the floor. my head hits the ground and the last thing i saw was a lightning struck his left rib.

broken wingsWhere stories live. Discover now