46. Mephisticuffs

Start from the beginning

On Sunday evening they were finished and had to fill the potion only in the vials provided.
Afterwards, the two sat down on their favorite sofa. The three animals, with the still small Fawkes, of course, Harry had on his lap.
severus wanted to explain to his kitten exactly how the trial would end tomorrow. Because the jailer did not want to risk that Harry collapsed in court. That would be a good thing to eat for these vultures. Fortunately, the trial would not take place before the Spell Council, they owed it to Dumbledore. The old man had argued that many of the members of the council had voted in favor of Harry's exclusion.
he just found it unfair to the boy that he would have to testify before these people again. Of course, Fudge did not like it at all, but could not fight back. Especially since almost the entire council was of the same opinion as the director. even some who had voted for Harry's expulsion during the holidays. Presumably they wanted to get on well with the boy and also with the 'rose prince'. Feige Pack! But Severus could only be right.
The court had a similar structure to that of Muggles, including juries.
that was another advantage, because it was guaranteed by a spell that the members, whether layman or not, were absolutely fair in their judgment. They could be biased and have their pets, but that did not change the choices.
that's why the call to the jury was so hated. You just could not judge unfairly or settle old bills, however much you wanted it.
That's what Severus explained to his husband and showed him the corresponding books.

"When will the trial begin?"
"At eleven o'clock. And, before you ask, yes, both of us are exempt from class that day. After all, the testimony in court is a civic duty. "
"Ha, that sounds like a word the Muggles invented."
"That's the way it is. The whole concept of the court is copied from Muggles. Earlier, all negotiations were made by the Magic Council. Also my trial back then. Without the magic of fairness, mind you. "
"Pah, no wonder Sirius was sent to Azkaban for the methods."
"Right, the changes were only introduced ten years ago. a shame, if you ask me. Especially because the Council refuses to resume old procedures. "
A hiss from Harry was the only answer.

Severus swallowed. The last time Harry reacted, Severus had to repair half of the living room furniture afterwards. his husband clearly had some problems controlling his cat's temperament. Although Severus had to admit that Harry's rage was justified, Umbridge demanded daily from Severus to punish his husband.
winky had told them that this behavior was related to child protection. For actually this pink danger wanted to detain his husband and for no reason at all. But since she did not approach him, she tried to force the potions master to act. but he only answered with a mock-eyebrow.

To prevent a renewed fit of rage from his husband, the 'offspring bat', as Harry sometimes called him, quickly distracted.
"We'll fly straight to Grimoauld Place tomorrow after breakfast, as Black still has some letters that we'll cite as evidence."
That had the hoped-for effect. Harry calmed down almost immediately.
"We visit Siri and Remus?"
"Yes. and from there we continue to Gringotts. "
"Why do not we go to the Ministry right away?"
"What do you think, what happens when the ministry finds out where we're from? they would wonder why we have access to the Blacks' family home, and then your godfather will return to Azkaban faster than he can tell Marauders. "
"That's right, stupid question."
"Oh yes, something else. Albus has decided to release the students tomorrow. "
"Why this?"
"Because he fears that tomorrow no one, neither students nor teachers, can concentrate on the lessons anyway. Everyone will wonder what comes out at the trial.
In addition, Dumbledore and Minerva were also summoned. "
"Well, then I miss no lessons. I would have been sorry for the care of magical creatures. I love this subject. "
"I noticed," Severus looked at the assembled animal society on Harry's lap. The Potions Master suspected that over time, it would become more and more animals. especially when he took his little boy to Rose-Manor. Something he had planned for the summer vacation would take a while to get the Manor back on track. He was embarrassed to think how much he had messed things up over the years.

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