Awkward Car Rides

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I woke up to see the sun peaking through my blinds. I roll over to my bedside table to see that it was 10am. I can hear movement stir inside the house. My parents must be up. I check my phone to see no messages but a lot of notifications from the facebook, twitter and tumblr. A lot more than usual. I get up and put some pants on and walk into the kitchen. I see my father and mother both reading their newspapers. My mother worked as a nurse and my father worked as a lawyer meaning I barely got to see them and if I did it would be very brief. I greet them good morning and I receive a bright and chipper morning from each.

I grab out some cereal and place if back in the cupboard. I get the milk and put enough in the bowl and sit opposite my parent at the bench in the middle of the kitchen. They both look up from their papers and watch me eat.

‘How was bowling last night?’ my Dad asked

‘Eh, it was okay.. You know I can't bowl’ I laugh and they smile

‘Yeah I remember when we went when you were about.. I think 9 years old at your cousins birthday’ my mother laughs as she picks up the empty cups that they were drinking coffee out off.

‘Yeah I’m pretty sure I didn’t even sink a pin, I’m getting better though now I can knocked down about three at a time’ We all laugh at this. It was nice .

‘What have you planned this evening? I was thinking we could go see the new play that is at the theatres now’ He grinned as I knew it was something that he and his wife enjoyed.

‘Sorry Dad, I’m going out with the girls tonight again. We are going to see a movie’ I see his face dim. I had to lie as if I said I was going out with a boy tonight they would flip.

‘You can see those girl whenever you like, spend some family time with us’ my Mum pleaded.

I sigh, ‘But we have planned this for a while now and we have already bought the tickets’

I hear them sigh disappointedly. We hadn’t really had any time to spend together for a while.

‘You too still go though, it could be a cute little date!’ I giggle

‘Guess so kidlet’ my Dad says as he walks past my stool ruffing my morning hair.

I continue eating my cereal as my parents bicker about general events. I finish my cereal and place the bowl into the dishwasher. I return to my room and open my blinds to allow some sunlight into my room. I turn on my laptop and sit on my bed with it resting on my knees. I log into twitter to check it to see people have mentioned and direct messaged me. I look up to see my father standing at the door.

‘You should probably clean your room mate’ he says walking through the mess on the floor

‘Maybe..’ I laugh

‘And just maybe I will… tackle you’

My laptop rolls of my knees as he tackles me careful not to break me or my laptop. I giggle as he starts to tickle me. I start yelling out ‘Mum’ to make him stop.

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