Stephen was told to pose on the bed, exposing everything.

Sunlight made its way onto Stephen's skin. It was warm and welcoming. It gave Stephen's pale skin a nice glow, making it even more gorgeous than it already was.

"Just stay there." Tony said.

He began to sketch away.

He drew lines, curves, angles. Stephen was just perfection, he couldn't mess this up. It took him a great amount of time and concentration.

As the the last rays of sunshine hid themselves behind the horizon, Tony shaded the last of his master piece.

His fingers were covered in the metallic color of the pencil's graphite. Pencil shavings covered the floor as well as graphite dust.

It was done.

And it was perfect. He managed to capture every beautiful detail and perfection.

Stephen looked at Tony. "Is it finished?" He asked.

Tony looked from the sketch to Stephen. Oh, how the real thing looked a lot better than the drawing. Tony pushed the easel aside and walked over to Stephen. He cupped his chin, he was breathless. Stephen was breathtaking.

"What is it?" Stephen asked.

"You're so..." Tony paused and put his thumb to Stephen's bottom lip. It was so plump, so soft. Tony bit his bottom lip.

"Tony?" Stephen asked.

Tony kept his eyes on Stephen's lips and leaned in for a kiss. Stephen, was surprised a little, but gave into the kiss. It had been a while since he and Tony had shared a good kiss.

Tony climbed on top of Stephen, placing his hands on Stephen's body. His skin was so soft, so smooth. Tony ran his hands up and down Stephen's body, making sure his hands touched every inch of Stephen. He wanted to know how every part of Stephen's body felt.

Stephen's body began to heat up and his cheeks blushed a bright red color. Tony broke the heated kiss, leaving Stephen panting for air. His chest rose and fell quickly.

Tony breathed in Stephen's neck before he bang to lick and suck on the smooth skin.

"Ah~" Stephen gasped, as a tingling sensation overcame his body. He put a hand behind Tony's head and the other on his nape, pulling Tony closer. He couldn't get over how good this felt. Neck kisses were enough to fire him up. Tony traced the curve of Stephen's waist and somehow managed to get a good grip on one of Stephen's cheeks. "Oh, Tony~" Stephen moaned.

"Mmm..." Tony liked hearing Stephen moan. He began to run his kisses down Stephen's collar bone and down to his chest. He noticed Stephen was nipping and his little nipples were hard. He looked up at him. God, he was a moaning mess. Typical of virgins. He bent down and licked one of Stephen's nipples.

"Tony!" Stephen gasped. "I-I'm sensitive." He tossed his head back.

Tony chuckled. Oh, he liked what he heard. He was gonna enjoy corrupting Stephen. He continued his trail of hot kisses down Stephen's body to his waist. He noticed Stephen was already hard. His length throbbed, leaking bits of precum. He chuckled and took the organ in his hand. "Pathetic." He said in a husky tone.

"Oh~" Stephen moaned, tossing his head back. He shut his eyes tightly, but they sprung open when he felt a hand take him by the face. Tony was up in his face again, but still had his throbbing member in his other hand. Tony squished Stephen's cheeks, forcing his lips to take an "o" shape.

"Let's see if you can be a good boy this time and keep your mouth shut." Tony told Stephen, who nodded. "Maybe we'll be able to finish this time." He leaned into Stephen's face and kissed him, rough. He bit down on his bottom lip and pulled it before letting go.

Tony went back down in between Stephen's legs, placing each leg over each one his shoulders. He looked up at Stephen, who was watching him carefully. Tony licked the tip. Making Stephen cover his mouth and toss his head back into the pillows. Tony chuckled and began to make circles with the tip of his tongue on the tip, getting a pre-taste of Stephen. He played around with the slip.

This was driving Stephen crazy. God, this felt so good it brought tears to his eyes. The pleasure was too much. His legs trembled on Tony's shoulders, feeling like jelly. Oh heck, if Tony kept teasing he didn't know how much longer he'd last without letting out a yelp. He put both hands over his mouth. He could feel Tony chuckling on him. He felt his tip hit something warm and soft, he looked down at Tony, who was bobbing his head up and down on him. Oh god, he could feel himself hit the back of Tony's throat every time.

His back began to arch. There was a huge knot in his stomach. This was pure torture...pleasurable torture. He loved it. As Tony came down on him again, his hips bucked. There was a burning sensation in his abdomen, that spread through his inner thighs and his fingertips.

Tony pinched the little fat Stephen had as a warning to cool it. He was an honest worker and wasn't gonna let Stephen finish without getting the best out of an orgasm. He began to rudely slurp away at Stephen. He was being a snob, greedy.

Stephen bit down on his lip and gripped the sheets as he felt his stomach began to clench and his back arch. Tony looked up at him. He took Stephen out of his mouth and continued pleasuring him by pumping.

"Say it." Tony said. His voice full of lust. "Say my name."

"Oh~" Stephen moaned.

Tony pinched him. "No. I don't want to hear that."

"Tony..." Stephen let out a small squeak.

"Louder." Tony said.

"T-Tony." Stephen gasped.

"A little louder."

This was it. Stephen's back arched to it's max and his muscles contracted. His toes curled in and his legs crossed, wanting to close; but Tony wouldn't allow it. "Ah~ Mmm!" Stephen's breathing grew rapid suddenly. "Ah! Y-Yeah, T-Tony..."

"Yeah, who?" Tony pumped faster.

Stephen's hips buckled one last time. "T-Tony... Tony!" Stephen yelped, his voice cracked and strained. Stephen's hips bucked a little with every stream of white that exited his body.

Tony chuckled. "There we go." He said, smirking, watching Stephen finish. "You're so hot."

"Uah..." Stephen let out long pleasured sighs as he continued to spill. His eyelids fell halfway down his eyes. His cheeks were stained red. Stephen's body felt numb, so weak, so limp. The afterglow began to settle in. "Mmm~" He moaned.

Tony sat on the edge of the bed, chuckling. "That's not even close to what I have stored for you." He said, leaning in to kiss Stephen's soft lips.

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