By far Leon was the biggest out of the three.
The next though was Drake, he was definitely the friendliest looking out of them all, and yes I was including Roman in that. Everything about him screamed boy next door, from the smile he wore, to his messy brown hair. Lastly there was his big baby blue eyes, which were a lot more welcoming than the icy blue glare of Leon.

Brett was different from Drake in every which way, his skin tone was the colour of sand which paired with his short dirty blonde hair perfectly, his deep brown eyes were what drew me the most though. They looked so much like my own before my wolf that was, that I just could help but stare. The only difference was that I didn't remember mine ever looking so serious. I suspected Brett was the take care of business type, much like Leon in that respect.

The next thing that caught my attention was how the three men were dressed. They wore matching attire that I'd never seen before, outside of the odd action movie Terri had convinced me to watch. All three were dressed in black military styled clothing, right down to their heavy black combat styled boots.

After I'd finished taking the men in I offered them all a shaky smile, I was feeling a little bit out of place amongst them. However that feeling quickly disappeared once Drake sent a warm welcoming smile my way, putting me more at ease.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Emma" I said talking only to Drake as he seemed to be the only one looking my way, the other two men were focused solely on Roman.

"Hi Emma, it's great to finally meet you!" Drake said cheerfully.

Stepping away from the others he came to a stop in front on me. I watched bewildered as he bowed down in front of me, somewhat rather dramatically flourishing his arm out to his side. I had to fight the laughter beginning to bubble inside my chest, which I was doing very well I might add. But that was only until Drake looked up at me from his low bow, and simply stated "My Luna" in the most over exaggerated voice I had ever heard.

We both immediately exploded into loud fits of laughter, that echoed through out the underground garage. I had to set Pepper's cage down on the floor for fear of dropping him, as my stomach began to cramp painfully from laughter. What made it even funnier was that the facial expressions of Leon and Brett didn't change at all. Drake was just as bad as I was though, maybe even worse as thick tears began to roll down his face once he spotted the other two men completely poker faced.

"Ok, that's enough you two let's get inside" Roman said drawing our attention.

I looked up expecting to see his "Mr Serious Face" but was rather taken aback when he shot me a wink, I also noticed a playful glint in his golden orbs. This made me feel even happier as he started walking up the stairs into the house with Leon, Brett and my suitcase following behind him.

Drake however didn't move instead he waited for me to retrieve Pepper's cage from the floor, before falling into step beside me.

"I wasn't completely joking before, it is really nice to finally meet you Emma. We've all been hearing for weeks that our packs Luna had been found, we are all very excited to meet you" Drake now sounded nothing but sincere, but despite his friendliness and his kind words I couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Thanks Drake, but maybe you should tell those two that." I said looking up at the retreating backs of Leon and Brett

"Oh don't worry about those guys, they're all business 100% of the time, unlike me." Drake said sending me a big smile. I was so glad to have finally met someone that I could see myself becoming good friends with here, other than just Roman.

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