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What would you do if you were told you were to marry a gang leader? Not just a gang leader, but your enemy.

The only thing you can do is agree, for the sake of your family, your whole family-gang included.

That's what I did, I agreed. I had too, I had to do it for my family, my gang, my legacy.

I didn't want to disappoint them, I couldn't, my brother had done that well enough for the both of us.

I had to do this.

That's what I told myself, every time I started having second thoughts.

I tried looking on the bright side of things, but in this lifestyle there was no bright side. I learnt that at a young age, and was reminded of it as I continued to grow.

But as it turns out, there was a bright side. I just had to find it.

And thanks to my dad, I found it.

It might have taken a while, but I found what I didn't even know I was looking for.

Happiness. Love. And hope.

Hope that I can eliminate those who dare think they can come into my home, and get away with it. Hope that I can kill them before they kill me.

Marrying The Gang LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now