"Yeah. It's very casual." Bruce nodded.

The Cloak of Levitation soon came through the portal.

"Sorry cape. You-"

"The cloak stays with me." Stephen said, placing a hand on Tony's shoulder.

"But it throws your whole outfit off." Tony said.

"Don't worry." Stephen smiled at Tony. "Cloak." He snapped his fingers, and with that; the cloak turned itself into a little handkerchief. Stephen took it and put it in his pocket.

"Ah." Bruce nodded with a hand under his chin.

"Alright, so can we go eat?" Thor asked.


"How many?" Asked a man behind a small podium at the entrance of the restaurant.

"Four." Tony told him.

He picked up four menus. "This way." He said, waving his hand. The boys followed him. He presented them to a table near the fish tank.

"Great." Bruce said.

"Problem?" The man asked, placing the menus down on the table.

"Oh, no no. It's fine." Bruce said.

"Alright." The man said. "I'll have someone come and take your drinks." He said, leaving them.

"Here." Tony said, pulling Stephen's chair out.

"Thank you." Stephen thanked Tony.

Thor looked at Bruce, who was fixing to sit on his chair. "Bruce wait!" He quickly snatched the chair.

"Huh? What?" Bruce asked, looking around.

"Here." Thor said, pulling the chair out.

Bruce laughed, looking down and shaking his head. "Dork." He sat down.

Thor sat next down. He leaned closer to Bruce. "You're suppose to say "thank you"." He whispered.


"Hungry?" Bruce asked, looking at Thor; who was stuffing his face with noodles.

"Mhm." Thor nodded as he slurped the noddles away.

Stephen laughed as he watched his friends. He suddenly felt a buzz on the table. It was the cellular device Tony had given him earlier in the year. He looked at it. It was Tony. He sighed and got up. "I'll be back."

"Where're you going?" Bruce asked with a mouthful of sushi.

"Tony doesn't have toilet paper in his stall, and no one else is in the bathroom." Stephen said.

Bruce almost chocked on his food.


"Tony." Stephen whispered when he came into the bathroom. "Tony." He said a little louder when he got no response.

"In here." Tony said, pointing a little red dot on the ceiling.

Stephen sighed and went to the stall next to him and got some toilet paper. "Here." He said, sticking it under the stall.

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